Current State of the Public School System

Is the state of today’s public school system going to help your child get ahead? This is a very controversial topic hovering over parents and caregivers of our future leaders. Many factors take part in answering that one seemingly simple question.

Socio-economics is a big leader in what some may believe to be the end all answer to that very question. Often times the general public believes that if a child is placed in a wealthy school district, then they have no other choice but to succeed. Just having an abundance of money to buy schools computers and the latest software may not be enough. Children that come from ‘money’ may also carry a lot of baggage such as divorce or means to easily obtain drugs which can be just as damaging as the child who didn’t get enough to eat the night before a big exam. Many factors can alter any child’s success in the classroom.

Teacher reliability is also becoming a questioning factor in the public school systems today. Teacher absences are becoming an issue in some districts where the teachers are paid far less than the National Average. Schools who may not have an effective discipline plan in place may also see a decrease in teacher reliability and morale as a whole. Without consistency, students are at risk of not receiving the best education that they deserve. This definitely plays a role in the public school systems fate of failure or success.

Home support is probably the area that has the least amount of resources and needs the most amount of our attention. What a child comes home to on an average night can ultimately determine their success or failure in the public schools today. A child needs stability and assistance with their projects and assignments on a daily basis in order to feel validation. If a child feels that they are worth someone getting involved in their day-to-day student responsibilities, there is no limit at to what they can accomplish in their futures.

What about the safety of children today while attending the average public school? Doesn’t this play a role in the state of the public schools in society? Yes, this is an unfortunate reality that parents and caregivers are faced with today. The answers to these questions weigh heavily on the individual school as well as a particular district’s state at a given time. It is possible to regain security in the public school system, even in the highest risk areas. Communication is the least expensive and most powerful tool to help the success of the state of today’s public schools systems.

What can we conclude about the state of the public school systems today? That answer may not be easy, but there are glimmers of hope out there that need to be explored. Communities, for one, need to get more involved in the public school systems today in order for the children of tomorrow to become successful. Yes, this may mean some more effort from parents, teachers, districts and community leaders.

Public schools need to offer parenting classes, homework support centers, and recreational opportunities for at -risk -children. Parents and caregivers need to check on their child regularly at school, districts need to communicate with their teachers to discuss instructional needs, and community leaders need to become more visual in the public school systems today to show the children that they are worth someone giving up an hour of their day just to say ‘hello’.

What is the current state of our public school systems? It depends on who you are asking and what area of the globe they live. Maybe we need to be asking, ” What can we do to better the state of the public school systems today?” Community and communication are two words that need to become a part of every public school system in order for our children to have the opportunity to succeed in today’s world. When we work together, the possibilities are endless.

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