Custom Tuscan Kitchen Curtains on a Budget Project

To Make These Custom Tuscan Kitchen Curtains on a Budget You Will Need:
Sheer white fabric
Fabric paint
Tuscan stencils or paint brushes
Stencil brushes
Sewing Machine
Tape Measure
Click here for more ideas from Rebecca.
The first thing you need to do is measure your window. If you have install a curtain rod above the window frame, then measure form the curtain rod down. You will also need to know how wide the window or curtain rod is.
Now, cut out your fabric to this size, but add about 6 inches to the length and width.
Now, make one vertical cut directly in the middle of the curtain you cut out. This will make two curtains.
Now, turn the sides of each panel over about one inch and iron them down. Sew this finished edge on the Tuscan kitchen curtains.
Next, fold over the top of each Tuscan kitchen curtain panel about 3 inches, or wide enough to insert you curtain rod.
Pin this down and sew the seam.
Now, hang your Tuscan curtains on the rod and determine how much material you need to hem up. Fold the material up, iron it down, and hen pin it in place. Sew the hem with your sewing machine.
Now that the basic curtain is made you are ready to add the Tuscan part of this project.
If you have remodeled you kitchen in a Tuscan theme, then most likely you have some patterns on some of your tiles. Take inspiration form these Tuscan scrolls and patterns. You can check out your local arts and craft store for similar border stencils.
Now, lay your Tuscan curtain panels out on a flat surface. Place the stencil about 5 inches up from the bottom and stencil along creating some usual interest. Be sure to use fabric paint for this. You should also pre wash your curtains before paint on them.
If you feel confident you can always paint the Tuscan designs on the curtains free hand.
Let the paint dry over night, then hang your custom Tuscan kitchen curtains!