Cute Decorating Techniques for Clay Pots

Sure, everyone knows that you can paint terra cotta pots in any number of colors. You can stripe them, give them polka dots, or just use dimensional paints that give the pot a roughened look. But, besides painting them, there are lots of ways that you can make your clay pots look very unique.

Terra cotta pots are generally orangish in color but paints take to them well and cover the orange shade. It’s not mandatory to paint the clay pots before decorating them, though. Craft stores are full of things you can use to make each terra cotta pot different.

Give clay pots a southwestern look by gluing on cording of turquoise color. Cut a strip of cloth made with southwestern images, hem it and cover the center of the pot, all the way around. Or, use stencils to paint on eagles or southwestern scenes. Decorate the scenes with real items, like Fun Foam for cactus or crushed rocks for the ground. These notions will give the pot depth and sparkle.

Make the terra cotta pot a copper planter by purchasing a sheet of copper, found in craft stores, and cutting strips to surround the pot. Or, paint the clay pot black then add copper designs that you’ve cut out, using stencils. The copper sheeting can be simply glued to the pot with hot glue or contact cement.

Craft stores have a wide selection of small ceramic pieces that can be glued onto the pot. Ceramic butterflies, rainbows, steer heads, turtles, cats, flowers and other images can be attached to one or several places on the clay pot. You’ll also find shapes made from glass, Fun Foam, wood or even plastic. Paint the plastic or wooden ones and glue to the terra cotta pot.

Break odd dishes, like plates and cups, and glue the pieces onto the pot for a mosaic appearance. You’ll find the grout you need for the look at any craft store. Glass bottles of color work great for this project, too.

Glue tiny picture frames onto the terra cotta pot, all the way around. Or, use small pieces of glass to cover the photo, then use fabric paints or cloth to make a “frame” for the photo. This project is great for kids. Let them glue their picture, in a frame, onto the pot, then plant a flower to give to Mom or a teacher.

Other items to consider for decorating terra cotta pots include small mirrors, wallpaper cutouts, faux jewels, sequin, fabric paints, buttons, lace, ribbon, colored rice, stickers, shelf paper cutouts, foil papers, and some scrapbook supplies.

Combine techniques to give terra cotta pots a complete look. For example, glue on a ceramic flower then surround the edge with floral similarly colored roping. Or, cover with copper sheeting then glue on wooden pieces for a rustic look.

Terra cotta pots are versatile and inexpensive, but they’re downright beautiful with the right decorating techniques. Try some of your own designs after looking through a craft store for notions you like – there are thousands of combinations just waiting for you to create.

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