DIY Guide: How to Replace a Window Screen

Screen repairs are one of the simplest of jobs to do around your house. Doing it yourself will help save you money and you can get the satisfaction that you completed it yourself. In order to replace a window screen, you will need the following material:

Measuring Tape

Screen Rollers

Razor Knife

New Screen

New Rubber Edging

If you do not have the following material on hand you will need to go to a hardware store and get them. They are all a necessity to getting the job done and done right.

Use the following steps in completing your project.

Step1: You will need to remove the broken window screen from the window frame.

Step 2: Next you will need to place the window screen on a hard surface that can support it. Pull the rubber edging out from the screen that you took out of the window. What this does is separates the frame from the screen.

Step 3: Now you need to pull out the old screening and then grab your measuring tape.

Step 4: With the measuring tape, measure the new screening to make sure that it will fit the screen. The way that you need to measure it is by the outer edge of the frame, but make sure to leave a little bit of room all the way around.

Step 5: Now it is time to put the screen on the frame and then measure and cut new rubber edging that goes all the way around the screen.

Step 6: Use a screen rolling tool to push in the rubber edging into the grooves of the frame. (The screen rolling tool looks exactly like a small pizza cutter.)

Step 7: Trim any extra material with the razor knife.

Step 8: You are just about done, the last step is to put the screen right back in the window.

Now that you are all done, you have just saved yourself a ton of money by fixing the window screen yourself as opposed to going out and buying a brand new frame and screen. Each time you take your own time out to fix something, you can save yourself some money. Although this can seem like a hassle at first, getting used to doing it can be very cost efficient in the future when things start to go bad. You can also teach these skills to others that might have the need to fix up their screens while saving money.

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