DIY: Home Installation of a Dehumidifier

During the summer months the in many places around the country it is not the heat that will get to you put instead it is the humidity that will really get you feeling down. Those months when it is painfully obvious that there is a need to lower the humidity to make life bearable are not the only times of the year that you will want to lower the humidity around you. In fact humidity in the home can cause many other problems such as mold growth that may become a health risk if left unchecked.

If you are thinking about getting a dehumidifier then there are a few things that you should consider before making a purchase. One thing to find out is if you even need a dehumidifier. This might seem silly but in fact many people do not need a dehumidifier during the summer months. The reason that a dehumidifier is not useful during the summer months is because most air conditioning units act as dehumidifiers anyway. Newer air conditioning window units allow the water to evaporate outside, the older window units simply let water drip outside. Newer central aid systems should be connected to drains.

Two different types of dehumidifier exist. The first kind of dehumidifier is mechanical dehumidifier. The mechanical dehumidifier is by far the most common type of dehumidifier. A mechanical dehumidifier works by bringing the moist air over coils that are made cold. These types of dehumidifier work best where the humidity is high, and where the temperatures are also high.

Dessicative dehumidifiers are the best choice if you live in areas where the humidity is lower and the temperatures are lower as well. Dessicative dehumidifier is named for the use of a desiccant substance that they employ to lower the humidity.

Now that you have decided that you need a dehumidifier and have decided between the two major types of dehumidifier it is now time to buy a dehumidifier. Many factors will come into play when deciding what dehumidifier to get. One thing that you will want to look at is the area that you plan to use. You may also decide that it is best to use more then one dehumidifier. Price will be an issue and typically the higher you pay the better quality you get. If it is possible to see the dehumidifier in use before buying this is a good idea because some dehumidifier may be noisy. What makes a good dehumidifier is the amount of water it can take out of the air, the higher the amount and the faster it can remove that amount the better it is. Of course you will pay for better performance. Do not be fouled into spending large amounts for better performance if you plan on using air conditioning you will not need a dehumidifier to work as hard.

When you decide what dehumidifier is best for you installing it is easy. Typically dehumidifier are portable and it is not recommended you use anything other then a portable one because the need for them is not high when you use your air conditioning. Portable units are also nice because they can be moved. You can move a dehumidifier into your room at night to make sleeping easy. A dehumidifier is just like any other appliances all you need to do is put it down some place stable and plug it in. The only main concern is that they are larger then say a fan or other appliance that you might turn on and should be placed on the ground. Also if you move it you might have to be careful of water leaking. The final thing that you will want to be aware of is that you may need to clean out a drip tray depending on your system.

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