DIY: How to Recycle Old Light Bulbs into Cute Vases

Since it’s time everyone should be replacing their old light bulbs with new energy efficient ones anyway, you are going to need something to do with those old light bulbs besides just throwing them away. If you are helping the environment with new light bulbs you should also help by recycling the old ones. You can easily turn them into small vases for a unique and modern look. You can decorate your home with light bulb vases or give them away as gifts to friends and family.

To recycle your old used light bulbs into fantastic new vases you are going to need: your old light bulbs, a metal saw, a large and a small screwdriver, a round file and metal wire, such as the kind used for fishing or beading.

Use your metal saw to saw of the base of the screw cap. Turn the bulb while you are sawing to make sure that you also remove the electrical contact part of the light bulb.

Once you have cut the base of the screw cap, use one of your screwdrivers, the smaller one will work better, to very carefully break the glass tube that sticks out.

Now, using the large screwdriver, push down inside the cavity of the glass to break the filament away from the bulb.

Then, use the round file to make the opening large enough to remove the filament. Now you should be left with an empty light bulb.

If you want to suspend your vases, you can now use a drill bit to make holes in each side of the screw cap. It’s best to make these holes by hand. The aluminum should be easy to make holes in.

Now use the metal wire you have to go through the holes. Tie a knot on each side and you can now suspend your light bulb vase from a hook.

Add some water and your favorite flowers and you are done. I have a few light bulb vases hanging in a row at different lengths and I get tons of compliments on them.

If you have trouble remember to water to replace flowers once they die you can always use fake or silk ones. Or you could fill them with other things such as sequins and hang them in your window to catch the light and give your room a disco ball effect.

Whatever you fill your light bulb vases with, be sure you hang them securely. You don’t want the light bulbs to fall and shatter on your floor.

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