DIY Tips on Inspecting an Attic

Working as a handyman, I am often called to find and repair minor roof leaks in homes and other structures. However, upon climbing into an attic to inspect the leak it is not uncommon to uncover other problems in the attic that require repair. While few homeowners regularly go into the attic, it is a good idea to at least annually climb up into the attic and look around for problems. Here are some things to look for when inspecting your attic.

Roof Leaks

The first thing to look for when inspecting an attic is roof leaks. Though significant leaks will be noticeable in the living areas of a home, even the smallest leaks can be spotted by inspecting the underside of the roof. By finding a leak early, a homeowner can avoid serious damage to the home and it may be possible to inexpensively repair the roof. Look for stains on the underside of the roof decking as well as signs of water dripping into the attic. A musty smell in an attic is a good sign that there is a roof leak.

Insulation Problems

Attic insulation is important to help maintain a cool living area in the summer and a warm living area in the winter. Insulation problems can cause a significant increase in energy use. Look for pieces of insulation that have been moved and not put back into place. One exception is above recessed lighting fixtures. Insulation should not be placed over these fixtures unless the fixture was specifically designed to be covered. Also check to make certain that the insulation does not block attic vents.


Attics are a likely area for pests to enter the home. When inspecting an attic, keep an eye out for rodent nests or droppings, dead insects or damage to boards or wiring. Lift up insulation in a few places to look under the insulation for signs of pests. Also look for openings to the outside where rodents may enter the attic.

Other Damage

Attics experience significant swings in temperature and humidity levels throughout the year. These changes can cause boards in an attic to warp and pull loose from the surrounding structure. When inspecting an attic, check support boards for looseness or significant warping which may reduce the strength of the structure. Though problems are unlikely, also check attic vents for looseness or other damage. If your home uses a pull down ladder to enter the attic, inspect the ladder for problems to make certain that it is safe to use before climbing.

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