DVD Music Review: The Residents’ Icky Flix

In the world of avant garde experimentation, The Residents have remained a staple for approximately thirty five years. Icky Flix, a comprehensive look into some of the highlights of the artists’ extensive career, is a must-have for fans of the Residents, [partners in crime] Renaldo & the Loaf, Snakefinger, and experimental music in general.

With psychadelic overtones and themes that deal with death, love, sex, and religion, Icky Flix is about as enigmatic as [that one poem]. Needless to say, this one isn’t for the kids; videos like “Constantinople,” which features some hilariously lurid shots of an obese man falling in slow motion from the sky, the downright frightening “Kick a Picnic,” and the banned-everywhere “Songs for Swinging Larvae” could prove to be scarring to minors.

Yet the same goes for the feeble-minded. Part of The Residents’ notoriety comes from their seemingly abrasive musical styles, which utilize production methods that often mutate voices and warble instruments. Still, to those appreciative of unique artistry and musical perseverence, the music is quite excellent, both aesthetically and compositionally. Best of all: an all-new 2000 soundtrack that revigorates and reinvents the classics – in 5.1 surround sound. Although some of these new songs pale in comparison to the originals, kudos to The Residents for such originality and effort.

Icky Flix runs approximately 100 minutes with seventeen music videos – some of which have never been seen, some of which adorn the halls of NYC’s Museum of Modern Art. Aside from that are some Easter eggs; a plethora of hidden videos grace the DVD, ranging from clips with Conway Twitty, behind-the-scenes choreography, and even a dance party from Pee Wee’s Playhouse, which The Residents used to write music for. But you have to find them! They’re hidden throughout the extensive Residents’ discography and interactive DVD areas.

Overall, the DVD itself could prove to be the most important release ever to come from The Residents. Aside from its documentational purposes it can also be educational. Icky Flix is arguably the best introductory tool to The Residents and the world of avant garde. Not only is the disc crammed full of the artists’ seminal work, it’s professionally arranged and, most imporantly – it’s engaging! Although the themes of the music (and videos) are often dark, The Residents are best known for their absurd sense of humor. Perhaps that’s the best reason to watch this DVD: watching those whom aren’t in on the joke squirm in their seats.

This is a fantastic DVD and can be ordered from a variety of sources, including Ralph Records, the Residents’ San Francisco-based record label and distributor. Ralph Records can be found online via ralphamerica.com or, for our European friends, euroralph.com. Of course, other Residents materials (CD’s, LP’s, t-shirts!) can be found here as well.

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