Daily Candy: A Website Review

In 2000, Daily Candy launched its website, including free email updates, covering all things hip and trendy. Daily Candy’s emails have received rave reviews from The New York and London Times and have since become a staple for those who want only the best please of current trends delivered to their inbox.

The site is basically a display of what is offered in the emails along with an archives section. New site visitors should put the” daily free e-mail” and “daily candy deals newsletter” sign-up on their must-do list. The newsletter is not available to those who don’t sign-up for the e-mails though.

The emails cover several topics including: Fashion, Food and Drink, Beauty, Arts and Culture, Fun, Services, and Travel and are always focused on the newest chic and sophisticated finds that won’t break the bank. These can be specifically designed for any of ten different cities, or if you prefer-the “everywhere” edition.

What’s In A Daily Candy E-Mail?

Arts and Culture: Books, gift ideas, album reviews, sculpture, etc.

Fun: Cool and fun products like ice cream makers and floral note cards, etc.

Services: Tons of services of all types-psychics, hurricane relief, personalized font service, humanitarian services, etc.

Travel: What to do, wear, eat, buy, and try when you’re away; guides to specific destinations; theatre; music festivals; etc.

Food and Drink: Kitchen utensils, spices, party drinks and food ideas for parties, etc.

Beauty: Products of all kinds and more.

Fashion: Products of all kinds and more.

Daily Candy’s Weekend Guide

The “Weekend Guide” is a great catch-all, it offers something from each of the categories listed above. It’s geared toward going out for weekend fun and will often feature a band, art show, or other event happening in your specified city for that week.

Why You Should Sign-Up

To be sure, Daily Candy is on the cutting edge; so if you want to be the first to know about what’s hot-look no further.

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