Dance Dance Revolution: A Great New Exercise for the Busy Mom

If you ask your kid or your grandchild what “DDR” is they may tell you its a popular arcade game that you follow moves. But this game has more than meets the eye. It can get you to shed those pounds in a fun and easy way. Following to cool music and a rhythm you follow the steps on your screen and dance. But your not going to go to your local arcade to dance and you shouldn’t ever do that so what is your solution? You buy a version that you can use at home. “DDR” is sold at your local toy store for about 40-50 dollars. As long as your son or daughter has a Playstation 2 or an X-Box you can play “Dance Dance Revolution”.
Offering entertainment and a great way to lose weight what more could you ask from a video game. Along with eating right and a little “DDR” you are well on your way to a slimmer woman. 20 minutes a day is a great start. “DDR” is also a great way to spend a little more quality time with your children. My kids love for me to play “DDR” with them and who could resist.
Another key factor in the “DDR” formula is a game mode that tracks how many calories you burn. Here is an idea track how many calories you burn in a journal and slowly burn more a day to challenge yourself. You will be surprised how many calories you burn without thinking about it. I give “DDR” 2 thumbs up and reccomend it to all women needing to lose some weight. Good luck!