Dancing Classes at the Dance Connection in St. Louis

So you want to go to New York and become one of the worlds most amazing ballet dancers? Or you want to learn how to jazz and “tap” your way into America’s heart? Well, nothing in your life is impossible, but in order to get to that certain place there is one thing that you must have – and what is that? Training! And in St. Louis there is one place that you absolutely must go to in order to get the ever evolving and demanding training the Entertainment Industry requires you to have. Whether you want to dance professionally or if its just a hobby that you want to excel at, Dance Connection in St. Louis, Missouri will provide you the tools that are absolutely necessary for you to succeed.

Dance Connection is located in Saint Peters, Missouri, which is thirty minutes west of downtown Saint Louis. At this magnificent and absolutely massive all-inclusive studio, the seasoned dancer and the novice come together under one roof to experience one that – growth and development through dance. Dance Connection’s logo explains it all, “Education through the Arts.” It is through this education that one will grow and mature both in your physical body, but also you will experience a mental change. It is proven that individuals that take any type of physical activities excel both at work and at home. When one dances it is more than just moving your body – you are releasing an extremely large amount of exertion, which some of that exertion contains metal stress, a negative and pessimistic attitude and lastly, while you are surrounding yourself with the music you are completely surrendering yourself to the tempos and beats – allowing pure mental relaxation. So for whatever reason, taking up dancing or continuing in dancing, you will experience a healthier physical body as well as a mental one.

So one question you are probably asking is, what type of classes does Dance Connection offer? And the answer is very easy and simple to remember – basically every type of class – either for beginners or for the seasoned professional dancer. There are numerous classes that you can get involved in such as Tap, Jazz, Ballet – those are among the more popular classes offered. Don’t feel like getting in front of several other individuals and practicing your dance moves? That’s just fine! Dance Connection offers one-on-one personalized dance instruction taught by some of the industries top instructors.

One of the assets that sets Dance Connection apart from any other Dance School in Saint Louis, is the opportunity for dancers to compete in literally hundreds of regional and nationwide competitions. One of the more popular of these competitions is the Hollywood Connection Dance Compeition. It is here that some of the areas best dancers and dance companies come out to compete for Gold! Proudly, Dance Connection holds the Gold Title for more than three years in a row!! So whatever competition the Dance Connection students arrive at, all the other individuals competing against them know that the students at Dance Connection do mean business and they will persevere until they receive the prize they came there for – the Gold Medal(s). So if you are wanting world-class training at competitive rates, choose Dance Connection – and begin to move your body to a new beat!!


Dance Connection
71 Boone Hills Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376
Tel: 636-447-3365

*Contact Dance Connection for their current rates and class availability

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