Darn Little Bugs

I set up the staircase to paint and climbed out on the plank to check and make sure it was safe and secure. I noticed these little bugs kept crawling on my arms and legs. You have to realize that this was a nice house and the introduction of bugs started to make me wonder. I would be mortified if I brought these little creatures in with me. I started investigating and they seemed to be coming out of the plank I just bought. Now at this time, I am being evasive and trying to find the source of these bugs. They began crawling, now they are flying, and they are all over this house. I had to tell the homeowner we have a little problem here. He was concerned and said what is that. I showed him the bugs and asked if he had been having this problem for a while. He was shocked at my question. By this point in time, they had crawled and flew into all the wet paint on the walls and looked like some kind of black speckled paint. He kept reassuring me this had just happened and even cracked a joke and offered me a bath. About this moment, his wife arrives home and the two of them decide to call the pest control people. I was relieved that I was not the source of the infestation. I stayed away for a few days and then returned to finish the job. There were plenty of jokes to go around.