Dawn Dish Detergent Versus Palmolive Dish Detergent

I hate washing dishes more than any other household chore. The funny thing is I actually remember being thrilled when I was old enough to wash dishes. Boy, have those days changed. So when I wash dishes, I want to be able to wash them quickly and easily and nothing is worse than choosing a dish washing product that doesn’t work. Having a well, makes it impossible to use just any old dish washing detergent. If I don’t choose the right dish washing detergent I end up having to use a ¼ of the bottle just to wash one sink full of dishes. The brands I buy most often are Dawn and Palmolive.

Dawn does offer a wide variety of different dish detergents ranging in smells from orange to green apple to the ocean. Dawn even came out with Dawn Power Releaser a couple years ago and it worked on some things, but if you left the product on some items too long it would damage them, such as pans with a non-stick coating. Then there’s a new product called Dawn Odor Eraser that is supposed to remove smells like onion from your storage containers. They also offered a variety of dish washing products like disposable rags that are filled with dish washing liquid, but the fact is, Dawn dish washing detergent just doesn’t work all that well. I’ve tried all their different forms of dish washing detergent even the Direct Foam, which claims to do a whole sink full with just one squirt and very little water. It just doesn’t work that way. It may be because I have well water, but I end up having to use several squirts. Even when I use the regular Dawn dish washing detergent I end up having to use a lot. There’s also the issue of greasy dishes. When using Dawn dish washing detergent on greasy dishes you must first soak the dishes in hot water and Dawn dish detergent. Then you must wash the item, rinse it, wash it yet again (because it’s still greasy), rinse the item, scream in frustration because the item is still greasy, and then scrub with all your might until all the grease is gone. It’s all too much for a girl who hates to wash dishes.

Palmolive dish washing liquid is the best dish washing liquid I’ve tried. Not only do they offer a wonderful variety of scented dish washing detergents, but Palmolive also offers dish washing detergent for sensitive skin. I have a few allergies that prevent me from wearing dish washing gloves, plus I have problems with the skin on my hands drying out. Palmolive for sensitive skin has aloe in it that helps prevent getting dry skin after washing dishes. Palmolive also offers aromatherapy scented dish detergents. It is nice tom sort of, be able to relax while washing dishes. Palmolive did make a gel for dishes that was abrasive and helped removed baked on food and it worked really well, but they quit making it. When it comes to greasy dishes, Palmolive can’t be beat. You just need to soak the dishes in hot water and Palmolive dish detergent, and then wash the item with a sponge.

While both Dawn and Palmolive cost around the same amount and have wonderful scents, they aren’t equal when it comes to removing grease from your dishes. I have to admit the new Dawn Odor Eraser dish detergent sounds great, but I have my doubts that it will really work. Now I do have to praise Dawn for one thing, Dawn dish detergent is used to clean ducks that have gotten into oil spills and Dawn has donated thousands of gallons of dish detergent for the cause. That may be the problem though, it’s gentle enough to clean ducks, which is wonderful, but not strong enough to clean grease from your dishes. Maybe they should just stick to making a cleaner that is safe for ducks and forget about dishes.

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