Days of Our Lives Trivia Quiz

1. What is Bo’s nickname for Hope?
2. Whhat was the name of the scientist who worked for Stefano Dimera?
3. Who was the surrogate for Victor and Kate’s son, Philip?
4. What is Mickey and Maggie Horton’s address?
5. What is the name of the plantation where Jennifer’s mother lived?
6: What did Hope get on her wedding dress on the way to the church?
7. Where did Fay Walker work?
8. What did Bo wear to Hope’s wedding to Larry Welch?
9. Lucas was in a coma for a year, what was the precipitating factor that resulted in his coma?
10. What is the name of Victor Kurikias’ henchman?
11. What was the name of the first man who was going to marry Sammy Brady?
12. Which couples were married on New Year’s Eve?
13. What was the name of the character that Judi Evans, no playing Bonnie Lockheart used to play on Days?
14. What disease did Jennifer’s mother Laura have?
15. How much did Kate pay Nicole to marry Lucas Roberts?
16. What was Maggie Horton’s maiden name?
17. What animal is the mascott of the Dimera family?
18. What did Stefano leave to Marlena in his will?
19. Who raped Sammy Brady?
20. Where do Marlena’s parents live?

Answer Key:

A 1: Fancy Face.
A 2: Rolph.
A 3: Vivian Alamane.
A 4: 1313 Mocking Bird Lane.
A 5: Maison Blanch.
A 6: Ketchup.
A 7: The Diner.
A 8: An ape suit.
A 9: A fire at Victor Kirikias’ house set by Kate Roberts.
A 10: Niko.
A 11: Franco Kelly.
A 12: Nicole and Victor & Kate and Roman.
A 13: Adrienne Johnson, sister to Jack Deveruex and wife to Justin Kirkias.
A 14: Schizophrenia.
A 15: $5 million.
A 16: Simmons.
A 17: A Phoenix.
A 18: A pillow embroidered with the words Sleeping Beauty and a Gemini constellation.
A 19: Alan Harris.
A 20: Colorado.

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