De-clutter Your Home for a Quicker Sale

Kitchens are busy places with lots of appliances, dishes, and can soon look like a really small space if not handled properly. This means there must not be any magnets and kids work plastering the refrigerator doors and the counters need to be free of the many appliances. Simply keep out one such as the microwave if that is where it lives or a coffee maker provided it looks clean and is not dated. Then only a few other items such as a basket with fruit and perhaps some other dÃ?©cor pieces may exist. Why? Buyers see the clutter as a sure sign that their stuff won’t fit. The same holds true for those kitchen cupboards and drawers. While you are selling it is best to box up all the items you seldom to never use and leave those spaces half empty presenting them as having more than enough room!
The same holds true for any room in your house also. A room full of oversized furniture, too many knickknacks or too many pieces of furniture is a dead giveaway to your potential purchaser that your home is far too small for their needs and for their stuff! If you have to invest in a storage locker or placing furniture in a neighbors garage-do it!! A word on garages, please don’t ever stuff your garage with the items that you just cleaned out of your house because that will show buyers that your garage won’t hold “x” amount of cars nor any of their storage stuff. It will also appear that the home didn’t have enough room for the contents so that is why they have migrated to the garage.
In any event, the old adage is true. Less is more! More space that is! Anytime the buyer feels they are getting the most space for their money, they are willing to pay top dollar. This will speed the sale of your home and likely present you with multiple offers so you can choose and get the most amount of money.
Remember to keep loose items at bay also. Messy bookshelves and toys need to have a home. Keep items in storage containers that have lids or are not see-through. In other wards use wicker baskets, totes, or ottomans and other furniture with storage to stow these items. Your home will look so great you’ll want to stay.
Call Florida Home Staging today and let us know how we can help you de-clutter and stage your home. De-cluttering is actually part of our home staging service. We’re here to help YOU!