Dealing with Sleep Apnea: Reduce Snoring

For those of who have Sleep Apnea, getting a good’s night rest is often more work than not. Here are some idea’s that may help.

Sleep Apnea is a serious condition and if you have it, you should be under the care of a competent physician. There are some things, however that you can do while you are waiting for a doctors appointment.

The results will vary depending on the type of Sleep Apnea you have and the severity of the condition, but there are some life style changes you can make.

If you smoke – QUIT

Now, I know that’s easier said then done, ask your doctor for help if you need to. Smoking is generally considered to worsen Sleep apnea no matter which sort you have and quitting will make your life easier, even if it doesn’t seem to the first few months.

Avoid alcohol a few hours before bedtime.

Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, which is that last thing someone with Sleep Apnea needs before bedtime. Four hours is typically considered a good bet. A hot butter rum toddy before bedtime may sound like a good idea, to someone who has been sleepless, but for people with Sleep Apnea…it can just lead to less sleep. This is especially true for those with Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) You might want to avoid warm milk as well. Many cures for insomnia include warm milk, but for those with obstructive Sleep Apnea the phlegm it produces (known not-so-affectionately to some as “food phlegm”) can lead to a more difficult night. Same for ice cream.

Avoid Cold medications and sleeping pills that often include sedatives.

Sedatives, and other drugs such as narcotics, and sleeping pills, can actually backfire for those with Sleep Apnea. These drugs can cause the muscles and soft tissues in the throat to relax, sometimes blocking the airway and diminish the bodies ability to inhale. Not a good idea for any one with Sleep Apnea, no matter which type you suffer from. Apnea patients should make sure their doctor is aware of this and if they go for surgery discuss it with the anesthesiologists and others on their health care team.

Sleep on your side.

Apnea appears to be much worse if you sleep on your back. Try to sleep on your side. If you need a body pillow to wrap yourself around, get one. There are also special pillows that help you hold a side position. Some people report better results when they sleep sitting up, prop yourself up on lots of pillows and give it a try.

Lose wieght

If you are over weight and suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea(OSA), talk to your doctor about a weight loss program. Weight loss can not only reduce snoring but the amount of pressure and sag on your neck and throat muscles.

Sleep with a pet or Partner

People with Central Sleep Apnea,(CSA) often do better when sleeping with a pet or partner. This is especially true if you can “feel “them. For reasons unknown, sleeping with a pet or partner seems to remind those with Central Sleep Apnea to breathe. Not the most scientific method, but one of the most fun. We should note that sleeping with kittens is often NOT helpful. They are known as “sleep-thieves”, waking up when your toes get bit is almost as bad as waking up because you stopped breathing.

Use a vaporizer

Not quite sure why this works, but for some reason it seems to work often. Adding moisture in the air, makes it easier to breathe. Opening a window a crack, if you are in an area where you can safely do so also seems to help.

Nasal strips

This works for some people. I am not one of them. Over the counter nasal strips, can open up the nasal airways in people with OSA, especially if it is due to nasal obstruction. They can significantly reduce snoring, sometimes stopping it completely and are inexpensive. They are not intended for treating Sleep Apnea. so your mileage may vary.

Jala Neti

The ancient yogic practice of Jala Neti, washing your nostrils with warm slightly salted water by pouring it in one until it comes out the other, may sound silly but it can help. the warm salted water breaks up mucus and let’s you breath more freely. Discus it with your doctor and learn it from a certified yoga instructor. It can be a life saver, honest.

Clean your bedroom

You think I’m kidding don’t you. I’m not. IF your bedroom isn’t pleasant to be in it can cause stress before you fall asleep. That stress, especially for people with Central Sleep Apnea, can translate into more apnea episodes per evening. You don’t have to go all crazy over it, but even 15 minutes day can make a difference. Try to make your bedroom as relaxing as possible.
Take out the computer desk if you have one, especially if you use it for work. Clear off the surfaces and put away all the dirty laundry. Think about dusting the flat surfaces you find underneath the piles of stuff. Less dust and more pleasant surroundings can equal less apnea episodes.

Because Sleep Apnea can be a contributing factor in strokes and heart problems, sleep apnea should be treated by a trained professional. Sleep apnea cases are as different as the people who have it. You can make a big difference just by making lifestyle changes, so talk to your doctor before taking more aggressive measures and you may not have to.

Authors note: This article is meant as an Overview Only. If you suffer form daytime drowsiness or Sleep Apnea, please discuss the condition and lifestyle changes with a competent Physican.

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