Decisions to Consider When Getting a Tattoo

People choose to get a tattoo for many reasons. This is an important decision and deserves much thought. Think about the associations of the tattoo if you are getting it because of someone in your life. Will you still know them or remember them fondly in five or ten years? Having a tattoo run up your arms may entail you to wear long sleeves year-round if you plan on working in certain industries. These are just a couple of the many questions you need to ask yourself before committing to a tattoo. Yes, they can be removed, but it is an expensive and time-consuming endeavor.

If you decide to go ahead with getting a tattoo, the next step should be to think about what you want. You may want to get a mehendi tattoo that is done with henna and lasts for several weeks. Another option to get a feel for where you want one is to use washable markers and draw on yourself. These techniques will give you a taste of what it will be like to have a lifelong tattoo. Some pain is associated with getting a tattoo. If you stay relaxed, your body will adjustment after the first few minutes. Staying tense can make it feel worse. Do not drink alcohol before getting a tattoo either as it thins your blood.

When you have some good ideas, it is time to find an artist. Look at other people with tattoos. If you like the style and work, ask them who did it. This is a great way to get references to a reputable artist. Also, check the business pages or tattoo magazines for names and locations. Next, visit the shop where they work. Many popular artists work by appointment only but that is not a reason to keep you from checking out their location. Many of them have a portfolio of the actual work they have done. An artist without one may be just new or someone to skip. When looking at the pictures, check for straight, clean lines, shading, and proportional with uniform colors. Remember they are running a business but many will be happy to spend a few minutes talking with you about their training and techniques. It is important to feel comfortable with them as getting the tattoo may take an hour or even multiple visits to finish. They can give you assistance on your design if you are not sure exactly how to achieve the effect you want.

Cleanliness or sanitation of the area and artist is a very important aspect of getting a tattoo. The work area should be well lighted so they can see. Needles should be run through an autoclave before reusing. Autoclaving is a process that uses pressure and heat to sterilize. Some artists use new needles for each customer. To protect himself or herself and you, a careful artist washes his hands and wears surgical gloves. Inks should be poured from the large bottle into smaller ones that used just for that person and thrown away when finished. To shave the skin before starting, the artist should use a disposable razor. Surfaces should be clean and disinfectant used.

There are many styles of tattoos. A few of the more popular ones are biomechanical, Celtic, oriental and tribal. Biomechanical is a style that became popular after H.R. Giger’s work in the Alien movies. Celtic style involves intricate knot work designs. Crosses, dogs, dragons and knots are just a few of the themes. It is best to find a tattoo artist who specializes in this type of work. Oriental style refers to the large images of clouds, dragons, birds and other images from the 18th century Edo-period from Japan. Tribal means bold lines with simple patterns and are usually just black ink.

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