Decorating Ideas for Kids Rooms: Organization Station

Step one to an organized and decorated kids room:
Make your organization system the focus of the room by getting a wall-to-wall system. You find these systems at places like Ikea, the container store, or Stacks and stacks. My favorites have cube shaped compartments. If you choose, you can build wall-to-wall, floor to ceiling shelves along one wall of the room. If you are custom building this unit, then incorporate the bed into the design.
Step two to an organized and decorated kids room:
The container is everything. Use the containers to visually enhance the room. Your options are endless. You can use pretty wicker baskets to fill with toys and other items. You can use bright colored cubes that are all the same color, or different colored. You can also go for the clean look, and make them all white.
Step three to an organized and decorated kids room:
Enhance the basket/ wall system. Put all of your baskets or containers are in place, spend some time looking at the wall and imagining how you can make them more visually pleasing. You can alternate colors to make it look like a checkers board. You can paint flowers on each basket. You can paint one large mural image on the containers like a puzzle, or paint a series of images that would go in a particular order. This will make putting the containers away a fun challenge each time. It would also ensure that the containers are always put away in the same order.
If you decide to add a decorative painting to your wall system, you have many options. The mural idea will work best if the containers fit closely in the shelving system. Some mural ideas that would work well would be a giant sized series of flowers for a girl or a fire station for a boy. The individual image idea will work best if baskets are different sizes and shapes. You can paint animals, one for each letter of the alphabet, and place them in alphabetical order. For a quaint, sophisticated wall unit, you can decoupage different species of flowers with the scientific name of the flower included. They can also be organized in alphabetical order, or you could just number the containers.
Step four to an organized and decorated kids room:
Organize the unit in an intuitive way. If set up your child’s storage unit in a way that makes sense to them, and is natural for them to use, chances are they will keep it that way. Place books in one corner near a reading chair. Put school and craft supplies on shelves closest to their desk. Put items that are not used often on higher shelves, and favorite toys within easy reach. Make space for oversized items, perhaps in large boxes in the floor of the closet or under the bed, on risers.
Step five to an organized and decorated kids room:
Double check after a couple of weeks and ask the child what they like and dislike about item placement. Re-organize the items if possible so that the child can get to favorite items without pulling everything else out.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design