Decorating Your Mailbox Will Spruce Up the Outside of Your House

Have you ever noticed that a well kept home usually has a nice mailbox out front? You may not think the look of your mailbox matters much, but what do you see first when you visit someone? Their mailbox along the street, of course! Maybe it’s time for you to take a look at your own mailbox and consider replacing it or decorating it so it will reflect on your home better.

Most mailboxes look about the same because they are usually a manufactured type. Yours, on the other hand, can stand out from the others on your street. It can easily be decorated, and about the only thing that’s holding you back is your imagination!

According to the United States Postal Service, (USPS), there are rules and regulations in regards to the size, shape, flag, and the opening of the box. The USPS does not require that you place your name on your mailbox. But it does require that mailboxes that are positioned along a roadway have a box or house number on them. The numbers must be located on the side of the box that faces your mail carrier. If your box isn’t located on your street, it must also have a street address on it too. The numbers and letters must also be an inch high, and they must be easy to identify too.

Any type of advertising is strictly forbidden on a mailbox. And, you’re not allowed to place any type of offensive lettering, designs, or pictures on it either. Other than those basic rules, you can decorate your box any way you want.

You probably know that planning is the key to success in any project. Decorating a mail box is no exception. So you’ll have to plan on what you want your box to look like. Many people choose to make their mailbox look like their house by using the same colors, etc. Others prefer to use a theme that is close to their heart. You can drive down the street and see ducks, geese, and other fowl along the roadside. You can also see different types of flowers, animals, small fall scenes, picket fence designs- you name it. If you’re talented with a paint brush, you could choose to “accent your house” by painting a small scene on your mailbox that resembles your house.

I need to add a helpful tip here: plastic mailboxes can be painted, but the paint job won’t hold up well under adverse weather conditions. It’s better to paint a metal mailbox.

Even if you’re not a talented artist, you can purchase stickers that have scenes preprinted on them. Follow the manufacturer’s directions in order to achieve the best results. Basically, though, the stickers are self-adhesive. They are placed on your box and pressed down.

You may also choose to use stencils to trace a picture or design on the sides of your mailbox. Then, you can use a paint that is suitable for metal to fill in the tracings.

Whatever you choose, either paint, self-adhesive stickers, et cetera, you’ll need to begin your project with a clean mailbox. It must be free from road dust and dirt, as well as other debris. Your decorations will show up better if your box is a light base color, such as white.

Finally, if you have chosen to paint your box, you should protect the paint after it has thoroughly dried. A clear, sprayed-on sealer works best for this application. You will need to follow the
manufacturer’s directions in order to achieve the best results. You should use at least two coats to ensure the paint will be protected from adverse weather conditions.

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