Decorating for the Winter Holidays with CHEAP but PRETTY Decorations

The best way to decorate cheap and easy for the holidays is to plan months in advance. Garage sales, usually done in the summer months, may have some Christmas items. Also, if you shop after Christmas for the next Christmas you can often find decorations, cards, and wrapping paper for up to 75% off. Still, even if you didn’t plan ahead, holiday decorating can be beautiful and cheap.
One of the best resources in finding cheap holiday decorations is right under your nose. In fact, you’re likely to get things for free if you hit up this particular source: family! Many people have the same holiday decorations year after year, but many people also like to change things up. They may get tired of a particular item or decide the next year that they don’t like it. Let your family know that you’re looking for holiday decorations and if there’s anything they don’t want you’d love to have. Now, don’t let them pile you with their old junk. Make sure you want and like the things they are offering. If you don’t enjoy an item someone offers, just explain that it doesn’t fit your particular theme, but thank them for offering. Not only will you get free stuff to decorate with, but the items given might also have special meaning to you.
Another way to decorate on a budget is to use photographs. If you’ve taken a lot of Christmas photographs over the years, display them around your house. You can put them in frames (somewhat expensive) or you can attach them to the walls by themselves. A somewhat inexpensive and festive way of displaying your pictures, though, is buying some holiday fabric and a bulletin board (or any cork board). Wrap the board with the fabric (stapling the fabric in place on the back. You can then either tape the photos on this background, or you can also take colorful ribbon and pull it across the board. Staple each end on the back (make sure it is tight), and then you can stick the photos between the ribbon and the board.
In this vein, you can also use old holiday cards. If you’ve kept some over the years and liked a particular picture or saying on the front of the card, tape or glue the inside together, you can put it up on a wall, or leave the insides unglued and stand up the card on a shelf. It will give the place some holiday flare.
If you’ve ever kept gift bags from the holidays, you can stuff the bags with colorful tissue paper and place them on shelves around your house. The bright colors will light up your home with that holiday spirit without breaking your bank!
There’s numerous ways to make your house a holiday hubbub this Christmas season. These are just a few that require next to no preparation and are inexpensive ways to brighten up your home.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design