Dee Jay’s Candles – Just as Good as Yankee Candles

I have been purchasing candles from Dee Jay’s for about 18 years. I have tried so many different candle brands and the only other candle that I can find that comes even close and perhaps is a second runner up to the wonderfully, highly aromatic scented, long lasting candles is Yankee. But Dee Jays by far exceeds any others.

As a pet owner, I have odors. You can typically walk into a pet owner’s home, especially one with cats, and smell the aroma of a litter box, regardless of its cleanliness, especially in a small apartment or small home. My goal was for my home, although it had within its walls, 4 Pug dogs, 2 cats and a hamster, was for it to smell as if you just stepped into a nice shop that smelled of potpourri and fresh cake baking. Sounds like an impossibility when you know my house was only 1300 square feet and home to so many critters but I managed for it to always smell clean, fresh and very aromatic.

Because Dee Jay’s candles burn for a long lasting richly scenting 12 hours, I could light one little votive and it would scent up practically my entire living areas all day. Anyone could walk in and smell a rich hint of fresh cake or Santa’s cookies or Apple Pie, Pina Colada, English Ivy, Cappuccino, Opium, White Linen, and many many others, scented exactly as the votive labels them. Prices are reasonable. Perhaps a little bit more than cheap candles you find on the shelves of your local grocery store or dollar store, but if your goal is to have candles burning for the aroma then Deejay’s is where you want to buy your candles from. If you’re just wanting a flame, cheap candles will certainly supply that for you.

Dee Jays has literally hundreds of scents to choose from. She has oil lamps, tarts, candles, votives, everything you can imagine and yet all I ever needed in all these years for a yummy smelling or designer smelling home was one little votive burning and I especially like the fact that I can buy 12 votives and get one free.

Dee Jays is located in Fort Worth, TX in a quant little shop off 7th West Street however, although I live in the surrounding area, I order online, every month. Shipping and Handling is reasonable at $7.50 per order and orders are shipped promptly and usually within 3 business days.

Obviously this review gives Dee Jays Candles two thumbs up!

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