Deep River County Park in Lake County, Indiana

These days it is hard to find a place where families can have a good time and not spend a small fortune. County parks are good alternatives to expensive movie theaters, costly arcades, and overpriced amusement parks. Surprisingly there are amusive alternatives to these high-priced expenditures. Indiana county parks have little to no entrance fees, and they offer a number of fun activities for people of all ages and interests.

Deep River County Park

Deep River County Park is one of the finest parks in Lake County Indiana. Located at the corner of County Line Road and Old Lincoln Highway in Hobart Indiana, Deep River County Park is a place for fun and adventure. There is no admission fee to the park.

The 1,050 acre park has approximately 8 miles of trails that wind through the woods. The river runs alongside of many of the trails which are used for hiking and cross-country skiing. The scenic trails are easy to navigate, and there are footbridges that cross the river in various places. Although horse trailer parking is not allowed on the grounds, horseback riding is permitted on the trails. Tractor-pulled wagons offer low-cost trail rides during various park festivities.

While visiting the park, be sure to stop by Wood’s Historic Grist Mill to see the milling of stone ground corn, the making of rag rugs, and quilting demonstrations. People dressed in period clothing demonstrate their crafts and are there to answer questions from visitors. There is no admission fee to the mill, but donations are greatly appreciated. Corn ground in the mill is for sale in the park gift shop.

The Deep River County Park gift shop has the appeal of an old general store. The store offers cold sassafras tea, old-fashioned candy sticks, rock candy, T-shirts, polished stones, miniature ceramic figures, and a wide variety of other unique merchandise. Public restrooms are connected to the gift shop, and they are available for use during gift shop hours of operation.

The park also has an interesting old sugar shack. The sugar shack is where maple syrup is produced in an old-fashioned wood-heated evaporator. This deliciously sweet syrup is also for sale in the park gift shop. Outside the southwest corner of the sugar shack there is a piece of original sawmill machinery. Next to the machinery lies the remains of a log with a face carved into it by historian and woodcarver Donald Good, of Merrillville Indiana. The woodcarving was designed using only an ax.

Next to the sugar shack is a reconstructed sawmill. The original engine used for the sawmill was constructed in 1836 and was steam powered. The tail stock of the mill was made by Donald Good. Mr. Good crafted the part by hand using a 30-inch diameter log, an adz, and a broadax. The handcrafted piece is 6 feet long by 22 inches by 14 inches. The sawmill is marked to show the various timbers used in its construction. Park guests will also notice a scoreboard on the sawmill. The scoreboard is used by the Deep River Grinders baseball team.

The Deep River Grinders play baseball according to the rules of 1858. Vintage baseball is much different from baseball as we know it today. The old rules were unlike the current rules of baseball. Players were referred to as “gentlemen,” and they were not permitted to steal bases, swear, or spit. Those offenses would cost a player 25 cents, which was an average weeks wages back in the mid 1800’s. Fans, otherwise known as “cranks,” can enjoy an ice-cold bottle of sassafras tea, Vienna-style hot dogs, and other reasonably priced food and refreshments. The sale of sassafras tea helps support the team. Call (219) 947-1958 to become a member of the Deep River Grinders or to find out the current game schedule.

Deep River County Park is the home of one the areas most beautiful gazebos. An invitatory red brick pathway connects the gazebo to the grist mill, and it is surrounded by beautiful flowers and extensive landscaping. The Deep River County Park gazebo is a popular spot for weddings. Gazebo rental includes chair usage, and the area can be reserved by calling the Deep River business office at (219) 945-0543.

Deep River County Park also has large open fields for sporting activities, a playground, and picnic shelters. Visitors to the park can also bring canoes and enjoy a leisurely day navigating the river. Fishing is also permitted in the park in accordance with Indiana State Fishing Regulations.

Next time you want low-cost family fun, check out this Lake County Indiana park. It is a great place to escape the rat race and hype of expensive commercial family entertainment. Get in touch with nature, and enjoy old-fashioned fun at Deep River County Park. It is one of Lake County Indiana’s most valuable natural assets.

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