Delicious Frozen Vegetarian Convenience Foods

Being a vegetarian no longer means spending hours in the kitchen wondering what to do with that block of tofu or refrigerator full of vegetables. While both are staples of a healthy vegetarian diet, there are plenty of healthy, yet convenient options that can be found in almost all grocery stores-and are more practical options for busy people. Most of these brands have meals, a la carte versions of their meal products, and meal starters such as veggie burgers or imitation chicken. Here is a selection of some of the best products from five different brands that carry vegetarian products. These can all be found in the freezer aisle at most major grocery stores.

-Amy’s Cheese Enchilada Whole Meal Amy’s is a line of organic, vegetarian food products who’s claim to fame is easy preparation and natural ingredients. This Cheese Enchilada Whole Meal is one from their line of whole meals that include vegetarian or vegan side dishes that can be whipped up in the microwave in a few minutes. A side of corn and beans rounds out the meal and gives some of the protein that many vegetarian diets tend to lack.

-Boca Spicy Chik’n Patties If you are a vegetarian who misses meat, or even a meat-eater who tries to cut back on their meat intake you must check out Boca Spicy Chik’n Patties. Convenient and delicious, these meatless chicken patties are also available in a non-spicy version and taste about as close to chicken as possible for a product made out of soy. They are sold four to a package and taste great on a roll with lettuce and tomato, or chopped up with cheese and vegetables in a wrap. Cook them quickly in the microwave, or wait a few minutes longer for a crispier, out of the oven product.

-Boca Breakfast Patties While most frozen vegetarian products are geared towards lunch or dinner, Boca hasn’t forgotten about the most important meal of the day. These imitation sausage patties are perfect for a breakfast on the run. Just heat and sandwich between an english muffin with a slice of soy or dairy cheese for a fast-food style breakfast sandwich with much fewer calories and fat.

-Morningstar Farms Veggie Corn Dogs These vegetarian corn dogs have 67% less fat and 50% fewer calories than an average corn dog but all of the great taste, even from the microwave. These are perfect for kids, and also come in mini bite-sized corn dogs. Contains four per package and at only 150 calories each you could even have one of these as a quick and delicious snack.

-Lean Cuisine Pizzas While not exclusively a vegetarian food company like the previous mentions, Lean Cuisine has several vegetarian options. Among the most delicious are their pizzas-and out of the seven varieties, four are vegetarian. Try a Margherita Pizza, a Roasted Vegetable Pizza, Four Cheese Pizza, or Spinach and Mushroom Pizza, all around 300-400 calories. Lean Cuisine pizza’s claim to fame is their crispy crust straight from the microwave and they truly live up to that claim. Included is a “crisping crust platform” that creates browned, restaurant style crust in minutes.

-Celentano Eggplant Parmigiana Celentano is known for using fresh ingredients and no preservatives-two attributes difficult to find in frozen, convenient products. Their eggplant parmigiana is one of their most delicious entrees and is made even more convenient by being available in several sizes ranging from a 10 oz. package to a 4.5 lb. package that serves 9- making this a product perfect for feeding a vegetarian family.

-Amy’s Pesto Pizza Another selection from Amy’s, this product is also perfect for feeding a family. Amy’s pizza is topped with plenty of vegetables, pesto, and cheese, and is a cheaper, tastier, and healthier alternative to getting pizza delivered. This is just one of several Amy’s Pizza’s and this particular version serves three.

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