
Sheling Inc. is a huge construction company owned and run by Mr. Sheling, that tears down more old abandoned buildings in the U.S than any other company.

The demolition crew has just came across what appears to be a tomb after destroying an old building and they call Mr. Sheling to tell ask him what to do about it, but Mr. Sheiling is entertaining at a huge party that evening and tells them not to worry about it they will go back the next day to check it out.

That night one of the curious crew members sneaks back to the tomb and opens it but it is empty so the man is about to leave but the vampire grabs him and instead of killing him asks him who is responsible for setting him free and the frightened man tells him Mr. Sheling is my boss, so the vampire bites the man and heads out to find Mr.Sheling.

The Vampire finds Sheling’s House and goes into his bedroom and as Mr. Sheling is coming out of the bathroom the Vampire speaks and says “I had to come and Thank the man who unleashed me from my tomb personally” and the vampire is about to bite Mr.Sheling when Sheling says “yes I knew you would, You all do” And he pulls out his stake and stabs the vampire and then Mr.Sheling whos real name is Helsing is on the phone saying “Yes I was right about that building we got another one, It was not Dracula but I will get him one day’!

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