Diabetes: Treating the Causes Rather Than the Symptoms

– Eliminating both your sugar and other carbohydrate intake, so that you are not bombarding your system with a high amount of sugar. This will help keep your blood sugar levels from spiking too high and discontinue any further insulin resistance build up.
– Adopting a healthy and active lifestyle, so that you can reduce some of the diabetes risk factors that got you in this position to begin with. You need to eat a variety of nutritional foods, control your daily calorie intake, and start an exercise regimen. These will work together to lower your BMI number and improve your overall health.
– Taking nutritional supplements to help replace the vitamins and minerals that have been lost.
Once you begin to follow these steps, you will start to see your body change from treating the symptoms of diabetes to treating the cause of diabetes.
Your system was once normal, before diet, lack of exercise, and nutritional deficiencies did their damage, and it can be normal once again. For this to happen, you need to offer it a chance and give it the help that it needs to become healthy.
Your body depends on you to give it what it requires to stay healthy and function normally. As long as you continue to deprive it, you will continue to suffer from the symptoms of diabetes, which could turn deadly over time.
Although you may feel fine with your current diabetes management plan, the disease is still hurting you. You can still be subjected to all of the dangerous health conditions that the disease can produce in the long term, even if you are taking insulin shots and other diabetes medication now.
The only way to keep from developing these conditions is to help your body learn how to normalize itself and to replace your nutritional deficiencies.
You may be tempted to “deal with it later”, either because you are not interested at this point in your life or because you just don’t want to face the facts, but the problem with this outlook is that you will continue to put it off and never get around to making the lifestyle changes that are necessary to help your body manage this disease.
One day it will be too late to make the changes needed to avoid the serious health conditions that this disease can eventually produce. Most of these conditions are not curable, and some may not even be manageable.
Even if you are “lucky” enough to come down with a treatable health condition, it will only require more medication, bring on further physical pain, and give you yet another thing to worry.
Once you develop one of these health conditions, is when you will finally realize what your diabetes has really been doing to your body this entire time, however, you will now be unable to change your fate. Once you get heart or kidney disease, you will then have to live with that condition in addition to your diabetes.
Even though you feel fine now, now is still the best time to start making your lifestyle changes and help your body repair itself while it can.