Diabetes and the Newly Diagnosed Patient

A person who is newly diagnosed with Diabetes can feel a bit overwhelmed. It is natural to feel this way as there is a lot to learn. Diabetes can strike at any age and at any time. You may look back and recognize symptoms once you are aware of them. A newly diagnosed person with Diabetes may feel confused. This is common and with time and a little research and help from your doctor you will be on your way to controlling your Diabetes.

Diabetes has two common forms. One form shows itself more commonly in children, while the other and more common form comes out later in life. Diabetes, Type 2 is the form this article is going to discuss. Perhaps you got blood work back from the doctor and they informed you that you have Diabetes. Maybe you had a symptom that caused you to seek out medical attention, and it was diagnosed this way. Either way, Diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise, and in some instances medication.

When you are first diagnosed with Diabetes, you may have to learn how to monitor your blood glucose or sugar levels. This is done with small test strips and a meter. You simply use a small drop of blood, place it on the test strip that is in your meter and it will show you what your blood glucose level is. Your doctor should discuss where you want that number to fall on rising in the morning, before and after eating and before you go to bed. There is usually a small guide that comes with your meter as well.

The American Diabetes Association, your local pharmacies and the library are all good sources of information when you want to learn more about your newly diagnosed Diabetes. Mendosa.com is an excellent resource on the web full of information.

Learning of your diagnosis can be frustrating to a person who has recently been told they have Diabetes. Having to think about what you put in your mouth, how big your serving size is and how much activity you need to help control your blood glucose can feel overwhelming at first. Know that in time, with knowledge on your side, and having time to adjust to the changes you may need to make, you will be able to control your Diabetes and will not need to spend as much time thinking about it.

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