Diaper Bag Essentials

When you have a baby, it is essential to have all the necessary supplies with you wherever you may go. So, when you have an older child that is always on the go, it makes sense to keep the diaper bag stocked so you are always ready for whatever situation may occur with the baby. I carry around so much STUFF for my baby because I never know what situation may arise!!! I have a diaper bag full of “essentials” at all times when I leave the house.

Some stuff is obviously more important than other stuff. If you don’t want to carry more than absolutely necessary, this list should help. I use a nice sized backpack instead of a diaper bag. I bought this in hunter green even before I knew if my baby would be a boy or a girl. The reason I did this is because I KNEW that my husband would never carry around a pink backpack! I chose the nice dark green because I knew it would not offend him to carry this around. Do keep this in mind if you have someone else carrying around the bag!

So, what do I put in the bag and how do I organize it? First of all, I want to say that Ziploc bags are the greatest invention. I use them for everything and to keep my bag organized. It also helps keep things dry and clean while in the diaper bag. OK, so here are the items I consider “must haves” for a baby diaper bag:

1. Clean diapers and wipes: You always want to take along more than you ever think you will possibly use. Babies have a way of being inconsistent at the worst times but if you are prepared, you can make the best of the situation. You never know when you will need to change the baby. Even for a short trip to the store, your baby may start to scream because he is uncomfortable in his wet or soiled diaper. Extra Ziploc bags are a must for containing those dirty diapers until you can get to a suitable trash can (I hate leaving poopy, smelly diapers in a friend’s trash can if she doesn’t have any kids of her own!)

2. At least one clean outfit: Sometimes that diaper will leak and make a real mess and you don’t want your baby to have to go around in wet or soiled clothing! Don’t forget an undershirt which may also get wet or an extra pair of socks which can get soiled if you baby kicks like mine does when you are changing him! If you plan to be gone on a long outing, more than one outfit may be necessary. If you keep one outfit in the diaper bag, do check on it frequently to be sure that it still fits and is seasonally appropriate.

3. Baby’s “food”: Whether your baby takes bottles or is on jarred baby food or simply eats Cheerios, you will want to have appropriate foods available. To easily pack a baby’s bottle if you are using powdered formula, you can simply measure the powder in a clean bottle and attach nipple and top and carry along a bottle of spring water. Simply mix when ready to avoid spoilage.. Jars of baby food are easily transported before the seal is broken. Don’t forget the spoon if your baby is picky about things like that (like mine is) Even if your baby is not due for a meal while you’ll be out or if he can eat more regular foods, a Ziploc bag of cheerios or crackers can be useful in case he gets hungry before you are at a spot where you can obtain food!

4. Toys or books: It helps to have something available to amuse your child in case you are out somewhere and have to wait. You don’t want to be caught standing in line somewhere with nothing to entertain your child. As a last resort, of course, you can always let the child play with your keys but, of course, you risk losing them and that could be quite bad!

5. A cloth diaper or other type of wipe: You never know when the baby will spit up or make some other sort of mess that you will want to wipe up. Baby wipes usually work for this but it often helps to have a dry cloth as well. Receiving blankets can work well if you don’t mind them getting messy!

And, for some extras, if you have room:
1. I always carry some water-less soap for those times when I have to change a diaper and there is not water source available.

2. A pad to lay on the changing tables of public bathrooms. It feels more comfortable for baby and it is more sanitary as well. Do be sure that you clean both sides of this frequently. I also have an “x” marked on one side with a permanent marker so I know which side to put down on the table each time.

3. A small blanket is great in case it gets chillier than you expected or if a sudden rain shower should pop up.

4. Tissues are handy at any time for anyone.

5. Bibs are a good thing to have if you will be feeding your baby/child. My baby goes through a bib just drinking milk from a bottle so I always carry several with me.

6. I always just drop my wallet into the top of the diaper bag so that I don’t have to carry a separate purse around.

7. If your child depends on a pacifier, you may want to keep an extra on hand in case his drops to a dirty floor and/or gets lost!

Of course, I often find that I have even more stuff in the diaper bag than listed. I do clean it out frequently though! Generally, I find that the above list is sufficient and I find that if I have much more than this, my bag is just to heavy to carry around. An over-packed bag also makes it hard to find the stuff you really need when you really need it!

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