Diary of an Artist: Entry 15

March 13, 2008
I put up another Lulu project—a diary/journal for anyone interested in buying a notebook with my art on the cover. I plan to upload a few more soon. I fiddled around with Illustrator some more, but didn’t finish a piece I’d be willing to show anyone, at least not yet. I completely finished issue 3 of “Cognitive Chaos” and will mail out the first order tomorrow. I also took photos of some of the jewelry I’ve recently made and put the pictures up on Facebook. Additionally, I submitted a history essay about painter George Catlin to Associated Content for their review, so hopefully they accept it. Other than that, I did my semi-regular perusal of Craig’s List classifieds and found one project that I may consider pursuing. Actually, speaking of Craig’s List, The Deli Magazine, a fledgling NYC music magazine that I stumbled upon through Craig’s List read my resume and requested writing samples. Who knows where that may go! And now, I have to head to bed. Spring break officially begins tomorrow and I need my energy to navigate through two airports.