Did Giants Really Roam the Earth?

“It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth – when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring.”

In Sumer, one of the oldest civilizations on earth, seals depict beings of great stature. These beings were known as god-kings, ordained by their godly fathers to reign over men. Other cultures around the world report similar beings of enormous size which are also of divine heritage and this legend is invariably woven within legends of the Great Deluge or Great Flood. Each also bares legends of famous giants throughout history. The list of famous or often infamous giants is quite long, the most memorable being Goliath and Hercules.

Easily one can see the prevalence of this theme in all world cultures. The Sumerians presents us with the Ari. Mesopotamia brings forth the Ellu. Irish lore gives us Cuculainn, aka The Irish Hercules. The celtic legends present the Cimbri, as well as the Tuatha de Danaan. Latin American cultures deified the giant called Quetzlacoatl. The Greek have given us the Titans. More familiar to some of you are the biblical Anakim, Rephaim, Emim, Zanzummin, and Gibborim.. The record goes on and on and on.

Considering the enumerable historical cases, this is more than an anomaly and constitutes a pattern. Adding to this pattern is the similarities in the names of the giants. Ari and Ellu both mean shiningones and the leader of the Tuatha de Danaan was named Lugus which means shining one. Noah, who may also have been a giant, many translate into shining or shining one. These examples come from lands separated by thousands of miles, there has to be some common root to these creatures. This common root might be gleaned from biblical texts.

Genesis, Chapter 6:

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4

We are painted a strange but intriguing picture here of angelic beings manifesting on earth and seducing mortal women. This concept is hard for anyone to swallow, but the idea is reinforced in the Apocryphal books, including the Book of Enoch. There we are told a story of holy angels rebelling against the laws that separated the heavenly from the earthly. The angelic hosts of heaven are charmed by the physical realm of our existence and begin to explore the pleasures that could be found within it. One such pleasure was the love and obedience of mortal women. The angels teach these women spells and incantations, as well as the cutting of roots and trees (sounds like witchcraft does it not?).

The Bible is riddled with such talk and it is recorded generation after generation as fact, until finally the races seemed to die out and fade from the memories of man. There are generally three to six classes of giant and they can be placed into three categories based on size. The largest of the species might be the Anakim, which were reported to be as large as thirty-six feet tall. The other two species range from eight to twelve and twelve to eighteen feet. Any which way you look at it those suckers were big! It is suggested that each could have been later generations of the trans-species beings.

Want more evidence? We all do. If there were tribes upon tribes of giants roaming the earth why aren’t we displaying the skeletal remains of giants next to the T-Rex at the Natural Science museum? One might be inclined to think that there have been no such discoveries of giant remains, but this is far from true. Reports of skeletal remains are recorded in modern times beginning with the Jewish chronicler Josephus during the first century A.D. Since that time, hundreds of similar reports have illustrated enormous skeletons uncovered during development and construction on every continent around the globe. Here in North America we have discovered dozens of such remains over the last two-hundred years. The hugely strange and frustrating thing is that none of these remains are accessible today (The exception being what appears to big an enormous finger found in Texas. Go figure, something big in Texas). Some were re-buried, some destroyed, others where whisked away by both private and military institutions. Even the fossils of supersized human-like footprints have been tampered with by vandals who are threatened by the discoveries. Only a privileged few have ever laid eyes upon these remarkable finds. So if you desire proof, I’m afraid you will have to set out and find it!

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