Diet Book Overview: Dr. Phil’s ‘Seven Keys to Weight Loss Freedom’

The “Seven Keys to Weight Loss Freedom” that are laid out in this common-sense, realistic, and easy to understand book are working for me, and they can work for you too! If you are struggling with your weight, you should buy a copy of this book so that you can start unlocking the keys for yourself! Here is an overview of the seven keys in Dr. Phil McGraw’s “The Ultimate Weight Solution:”
Key #1 is about getting in touch with your negative feelings. You have to challenge your self-defeating thoughts in order to achieve your weight-loss goals for the long-term. Often, overweight people have a tendency to label themselves in a derogatory way, calling themselves slobs, failures, and hopeless. People also tend to rationalize their weight gain and to constantly doubt themselves. There is a great quiz in this chapter of the book to determine your “Weight Locus of Control” (WLOC), which is your thought-process and motivations regarding your weight and your weight loss.
Key #2 deals with identifying stressors in your life and learning how to deal with them in a healthy way. Emotional eating is often the culprit for obesity. People eat when they are sad, or they eat when they want to celebrate something, or they eat when they’re bored, or they eat when they’re frustrated or angry. Eating is often closely tied-in with a person’s emotional landscape. This key teaches you how to deal with your stress and emotions in a healthy way, without the self-medicating behavior of binge-eating.
Key #3 is about creating a “no-fail environment.” You have to get rid of the unhealthy foods in your house, car, and office. If you have a route to work that involves traveling past your favorite fast food joint, you should figure out another route to take in order to avoid that direct temptation. For me, this step was a major turning-point. I filled up three large trash bags with unhealthy foods from my kitchen – white flour, sugar, and all sorts of other “bad” baking products, breads, chicken fingers, cookies, sodas, et cetera. When I carried those heavy trash bags outside, it hit me that all that weight could’ve been on me in another few months at the rate I’d been going! It was a very tangible sign of the lifestyle change I was making – and that’s the thing – this plan isn’t just a diet; it’s a lifestyle guide.
Key #4 involves getting control over food and impulse eating. You have to figure out why you are living the way that you are so that you can stop living this way. The important thing here is that you are honest with yourself. Put it all on the table so that you can make this the last diet you ever have to start!
Key #5 is very information-packed, and it deals with the fundamentals of nutrition and eating. It explains in very clear terms exactly what and how much you should be eating in order to lose weight – there’s no mystery to crack here! In fact, there is even a seven-day meal plan included complete with breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners. The basis for your eating will be to consume what Dr. Phil calls, “high-response cost, high-yield nutrition” foods.
Key #6 is every bit as important as the steps involving food and nutrition. This step is about getting physical exercise – and on a regular basis. If you want to be healthy and lose weight, you have to start getting sweaty! Find exercises that you enjoy so that you are motivated to stick with a workout program. Even though you may not be a big fan of working out, you have to learn to become one! Believe it or not, once you start exercising regularly, you will really begin liking it.
Key #7, the final step, is one of the most integral to your success. This key involves creating a support network for yourself. Your friends, family, and co-workers should know about your goal to lose weight and get fit and healthy, and they should support you in your pursuit. If you have a relative who is a major “food-pusher” – constantly offering you second helpings even after you’ve turned them down three times already, always shoving a warm fresh-baked cookie in your face – you’ve got to be kind but honest in telling that kind of person that it’s not helpful. Call on your loved ones to encourage you. You might even inspire them to make healthy changes in their own lives!