Different Uses for Cola

– When you take an asprin for your aches, drink some cola with it, because the caffiene boosts the effectiveness of the pain killer
– You can use the cola as a rinse after you shampoo, it will make your hair shinier
– You can clean a stained toilet with a can of cola, pour it into the basin and let it sit for awhile then just flush it away.
– You can pour a can of cola down your kitchen sink drain, it keeps it open and fresh
– remove rust spots from your car’s chrome, with a piece of aluminum foil dipped in cola
– pour some on your outdoor plantsit supplies carbon dioxide which your plants neet to convert the sun’s energy into food.
– got grease buildup on your windows, I have tried this and it actually works, fill a spray bottle with cola, and spray on a window or mirror and it will remove the grease.