Digital Photo Printing in Your Own Home

The quality of photos you get from your digital photo printer directly corresponds to some extent with the amount of money you are willing to put into your printer purchase. The cheaper printers, more often than not will produce lower quality prints, and will leave you wishing that you had spent the extra money to get a better quality printer.
When you begin the search for any new printer, or anything in general doing a little research can help you make sure your getting the right printer for your needs. Visit a local office supply or electronic store and look at the different models available, when you have a few different models in mind check online on consumer sites and read a few reviews from consumers. The manufactures are obviously going to want you to think that their printer is the best for your needs. Other consumers can give you an unbiased opinion
During your search there are a few things you should keep in mind:
Printer resolution: When shopping for a photo printer one of the most important things to look for is the photo printer’s dpi. Dpi stands for dots per inch. The pictures printed from your printer are going to be comprised of lots of little dots, just like with your digital camera and megapixelsâÂ?¦the more dots you have the higher the resolution of your picture. Pay attention when looking at particular printer models. Bring in a memory card from your camera and see if the store can print a sample of one of your photos on a few of the printers so you can compare quality. The samples will always good that the stores have for you to view. Go somewhere where you can get a few samples of your own.
Hidden Costs: Most printers only come with a set up start up ink good for only a few prints. Before you buy, take a look at how much the ink is going to cost when it comes time to replace. If you’re purchasing a printer in the store, go ahead and pick up at least one refill for your printer ink. You’re going to need it. You may also need to pick up a USB cable to connect your printer to your computer.
Paper size: Do you like to print 4×6 prints? 5×7’s? Some printers will allow you the option of loaded smaller size paper, other requires you to use standard size paper and cut your pictures out. If you are going to want primarily 4×6 pictures, you may want to look into a printer that will load 4×6 paper so you wont be cutting out your pictures every time you want a print.
Computer or no computer?: There are several photo printers today that will allow you to connect your camera, or insert the memory from your camera directly in the printer and print out your pictures without ever having to use your computer. If you have an older computer, or even if you don’t, this feature can be a pretty convenient one.
Once you’ve selected the right printer, you will also want to go ahead and pick up some photo paper. Even the greatest printers can’t perform at their highest quality on regular printer paper. Pick up a package of glossy or matte paper, depending on your preference so you’ll be ready to print whenever the right photo comes along.
Finding the right photo printer can be a difficult task, but once you find the right one you’ll never have to leave the house to print a photo again!