Dirt Devil Scorpion Product Review

Due to busy schedules and overall hectic days, keeping a home tidy or clean at all times is practically impossible. Some people set aside one day a week, in which they devote several hours to vacuuming, dusting, laundry, and so forth. Days prior to the scheduled cleaning, the home may begin showing signs of disorder. Usually, simply vacuuming a room can make a huge difference, and give the illusion of a freshly cleaned home. Of course, carrying the vacuum cleaner throughout the home every few days can become a huge inconvenience, especially if cleaning a staircase. In this case, you may consider using a smaller vacuum, perhaps a Dirt Devil vacuum.

Due to walking outdoors, it is common to track small particles into the home. Thus, carpets near the doorway or in high traffic areas may have remnants of fuzz, leaves, grass, and so forth. In an effort to cut down on the amount of stuff that enters the home via shoes, I tried to make a habit of removing shoes as soon as I return home. However, it never works according to plan. Thus, I find myself vacuuming the carpet every two days. Carrying the vacuum up and down the stairs is frustrating and time consuming. At one point, I considered purchasing a second vacuum cleaner. This way, I could keep one upstairs, and keep the other in a downstairs closet. Fortunately, I thought of a better plan, which actually saved me money.

The Dirt Devil Scorpion is a small handheld vacuum cleaner, which is perfect for quickly tidying a home. If I need to vacuum the carpet in certain areas, I simply take the small vacuum cleaner and remove dirt and other particles from the carpet. Also, the Dirt Devil is perfect for vacuuming the staircase. No longer am I forced to balance myself, plus the weight of the vacuum cleaner. During this time of year, my hair tends to shed a lot. With this said, my bathroom is usually covered with hair each morning following a styling session. Now, all I have to do is pull out my handheld Dirt Devil, and within seconds the bathroom floor is clean again. This vacuum is also idea for automobiles. Make sure the battery is charged before using outdoors.

The downside to the Dirt Devil is that the battery has a short life. Thus, sometimes I was unable to use the vacuum because the battery was dead. To avoid a future inconvenience, I now keep the handheld vacuum on the charger at all times.

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