Discount Wallpaper in Hudson, Indiana

Kelley’s Surplus and Stuff sells discount wallpaper and trim and you can find a wide variety of modern patterns that will fit any decorating style and any age group. There is an entire room full of different styles of wallpaper patterns. They also carry the supplies to remove old wallpaper and anything that might be needed to prepare the wall before you apply the new wallpaper. They also carry paint, primer and putty for anyone that would rather paint and apply trim.

The store also carries salvaged hardware supplies and various other salvaged items. They salvage their hardware items from Bostwick Braun Co. which is a local warehouse that supplies hardware to Pro-Hardware stores and Do It Yourself Centers. Some of the brands they obtain from Bostwick Braun Co. are Stanley, Bosch, and Black and Decker. They also have large garbage cans, various garden tools, hand tools, power tools, wireless power tools, wet dry vaccums, boxes of nails and screws, buckets, brooms, mops and seasonal items like salt, snow shovels and sleds during the winter months and soil during the spring.

Kelley’s Surplus and Stuff also has a large area outside that has items including golf carts and trailers.

The store is located just off of I-69 exit 140 on State Road 4 in Ashley, Indiana. The address is 3210 State Road 4 Ashley, IN 46705. For people that may not be familiar with the area, is is about 15 minutes from Angola and Auburn and about 30 minutes from Fort Wayne.

I remember when I first visited the store back in the 90’s. I was very young and my mother and grandmother took me there to pick out some new wallpaper for my bedroom. I was very excited and spent a lot of time searching through all of the designs that they offered. I finally chose a light pink, tan and light blue colored paper that was decorated with flowers and teddy bears, and also got the matching trim. At the time I collected teddy bears and was very excited to find this beautiful paper to put up in my bedroom. My younger brother also got to pick out some paper for his bedroom and he chose some that was a more bold red and blue with cars, trucks and airplanes. My mother chose wallpaper for the rest of the house and got more neutral paper. Some of it had little shells and some had flowers and bows. This was back when you still had to make the paste and apply it to the paper and I remember spending well over a week with my mother and grandmother removing layers and layers of old wallpaper from the walls and then pasting and applying the new paper. It seemed like it took forever.

All of the paper that we found at Kelley’s was beautiful and we were all very happy with the selection there. I do remember my mother having one problem though. She didn’t buy enough the first time and when she went back she had a hard time finding enough of the same kind of paper to match.

Kelley’s Surplus and Stuff is a great place to go to find discount wallpaper and also discount hardware supplies. I would recommend this store to everyone. If you’re in the area sometime just stop and look around. I’m sure you’ll be glad that you did.

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