Discus Fish Breeders

Rocky Mountain Discus Fish Hatchery:
Rocky Mountain discus fish hatchery is now located in Southern Indian. They are full time fish breeders that sell only high quality discus fish. They’ve been supplying discus fish, full time, for nearly twenty years. They supply a wide variety of healthy discus to fish hobbyist. The owner, Al, has been breeding discus fish for several years now, and he’s developed a passion to breed discus fish, even today. Rocky mountain discus fish hatchery has been a full time licensed fish discus fish breeder selling live discus fish in Colorado since the year 1989. Their web site offers more of their history, more information about discus fish, and they also sell discus fish on their web site. Visit them at www.rockymountaindiscus.com .

Contact Info:
PO Box 179
Inglefield, Indiana 47618
Phone: 812 868 8631

Mac’s discus has been in business for 25 years. They guarantee live delivery for you discus fish. Mac and his crew pay close attention while preparing your discus to be shipped, and thus keeping their live delivery guarantee. Mac’s discus has a wide variety of discus fish, and Mac personally hand selects your discus assuring that it’s in the best of health before he ships it to you, and if its not in good condition, he won’t send it. Visit Mac’s discus at www.macsdiscus.com .

Contact info:
20103 – 174th Ave. NE
Woodinville, WA 98072 USA
PHONE: (425) 483-3729
FAX: (425) 485-6588
E-MAIL: info@macsdiscus.com

Great Lakes Discus:
Great lake discus is run by Cary Strong who is also the importer for the discus fish. He offers a wide variety of healthy discus fish, and does his job with care. He started breeding discus fish because he was told it’s a challenge, and has continued doing it every since. Cary Strong has developed a special formula to get the best results possible for discus breeding. He runs several tanks full of discus fish right now, and cares for them all. Visit Cary’s web site to find out more information about him, his business, look through his discus photo gallery and more, at www.greatlakesdiscus.com .

Contact Info:
Great Lakes Discus
28656 Herbert
Madison Heights, MI 48071

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