Divided We Fall

Deep in the heart of the beast is one of the most controversial conspiracies ever to be reported. A government founded on a white supremacist’s attitude makes it way through the years unnoticed only to rear its head through subtle advances fought off by the willing warriors.
Today another problem exists, with its only solution, to stop thinking separately. Once again willing warriors are needed to fight off its advances. Police take to the streets to target one particular group, but rich, white, Caucasian men, will never be targeted by its own government, and so it is the minority groups that are causing all of the trouble.
Today another political puppet takes the stage; racial profiling has been a problem since its start. The very substance of racial profiling is discriminatory and violates our human rights. We are making assumptions again, and it is a dangerous path to make such assumptions.
Is it that African Americans are truly more likely to possess, sell and use drugs? Or is it that out of the numerous arrests based on their racial profile, many have no chance in fighting a white Caucasian court? Is it that poor neighborhoods are more likely to commit violent crimes, or is it that the poor simply cannot afford the right lawyers and many concede to crimes they are actually innocent of?
Let’s talk about the marijuana prohibition, which took place with intentions not of protection, but on racism. Henry Asslinger was a leading activist for prohibition of marijuana, and spoke quite plainly of its scourge in our youth. When he said “our”, he meant to say white, Caucasian youth, because he blamed the African American musicians and the Mexicans for its spread.
The war on drugs is still blaming African Americans and the poor classes for the drug usage. A direct and inaccurate correlation is made that African Americans and poor people are more likely to use, sell, and possess drugs. They forgot to count the whole population in the statistics. I’m sure a lot of rich white, Caucasian youth never wanted to admit to their usage due to the backlash of destroying their family names. The truth is the statistics are inaccurate. The lower classes may feel they have nothing to lose through admission, and therefore they are calculated and placed into a supportive statistic for the government’s racial profile.
If you want to find the drugs, look for the cocaine in dormitories of prep schools and stop assuming the poor people have it. We have a delusion of crack houses being in the bad, broken-down sections of poor towns. The truth is a crack house wouldn’t survive there; the poor simply don’t have the money.
Not every African American is hooked on drugs. I’m sure if you arrest a group of them you may find some, but what about the others you never bothered to arrest. They simply go unnoticed and uncounted for the statistics again. The beast walks again and the population continues once again to blindly follow its leader.
We are still conditioned to believe that classes and ethnicity exist, more political propaganda for the masses. The idea of ethnicity has only acted as a precipitator for political gain. We are really no different, and you cannot assume a physical characteristic, or even origin is a claim to a certain race. Not all African Americans are black. Not all Russians are white. What color are Americans? Racial profiling has simply been a stitch in the thread of racism. Its fabrications lie in the delusion of difference.