Dixie State College in St. George, Utah

St. George, Utah is located in Southern Utah. St. George, Utah is approx. 110 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada and 50 minutes away from Mesquite, Nevada.
St. George, Utah is rated as the 6th most desireable city in the USA and has been featured in the National Geographic Traveler Magazine.
Dixie State College has been in existence since September 19, 1911 and still known for the being the top number one party school . There is always something fun and exciting happening every night at Dixie State College.
Dixie College use to be a community college, but it just turned into a Dixie State College about 5 years ago since the year of 2000. Dixie State College is surrounded by beautiful red rocks with mountains and other wonderful scenery along with warm weather.
The city of St. George provides discount buss passes for the College Students. The bus has stops all throughout the city with a great scheducle. The city is constantly making improvements to the bus system “SunTran”. Suntran busses run everyday of the week except for sunday and excluding holidays.
Dixie State College isn’t a huge school, but it isn’t an extremely small school either. Dixie State College is unique because it has small class sizes along with personalized education to fit your educational needs.
Dixie State College has two year associate degrees and also they have four year bachelor degrees. Dixie State College makes it possible to transfer your credits easy if you choose to go attend another school sometime in the future.
Dixie State College also has the top one athletic programs. They have many other programs available there. The college students that are in the theater classes do allot of plays and different shows that is available for everyone to go attend throughout the school year.
One of the great things about Dixie State College is they let anyone attend the school . The college has also excellent student dorms located on campus. They do have other student housing available off campus with pretty reasonable rates.
Dixie State College is constantly making improvements to the campus to make it more enjoyable and comfortable for everyone that attends there. You can register for classes online via the internet. You can find more information about Dixie State College please visit their website at http://www.dixie.edu or you are also welcome to call them at (435) 652-7500 for more information.
Dixie State College is an Excellent College!