Do Not Move to Green Hills, Nashville TN: The Worst Place I Have Ever Lived

As far as the good news first. lol
Nashville has to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Trees everywhere. Beautiful Leaves changing with the seasons. Grass, green grass as far as you can see. Homes are spectacular to look at. At least the rich ones are. Great place to visit.
The musicians are some of the best people on the planet. All out here doing what they love to do. Play music. It really lives up to it’s name when it comes to the music scene. Mostly acoustic. Country, Folk. styles, even some Rock n Roll.
Gotta love em. Very helpful, and very informative, when comes to learning the music industry.
The City in itself has many places to go and have fun. Many places for Songwriters to go and play. (Not much on the Band scene though).
My Wife and I moved here in hopes for a better life. Not just cause of music. More of a God thing. Still believe that. I just know as of now our journey is not yet over.
We have 3 great kids. We love them so much. We love God. We love to travel..
Being in a Band. This would seem to be the place to be. For anyone who is a musician.
We were in California, going to a great church. Still call it home!
Part of the Praise and Worship. Loving life. Loving our family God so faithfully put around us.
Out of the blue, He says go to Tennessee!
Why? I said! He said it’s time to leave your comfort zone!
After a year of fighting this. Trying to cast out the devil. lol
I finally gave in. Tiered of struggling. Needing a better life for my wife and kids. We sold everything and left.
Went to Murfreesboro, Then La Vergne, Then Nashville. Finally a decent place very Beautiful. lol (So we thought) lol
(Now For the Bad News.)
We moved into a nice little comfortable place. Large yard for the kids. Plenty of room to play. A little duplex. The neighbor here has kids. Loves God. She even helped us move in. Great Landlord. Very Godly Man. Do anything he can to help you out.
About a month later one of the neighbors here came up, while I was in the shower. Pounding on the door. When my wife answered it. I can hear this guy yelling.
I tried to get out as fast as I could. Sopping wet.
Drying off. Got my cloths on and out. My wife almost in tears.. (The guy had already left)
Saying, he was yelling at her about our neighbors dogs. Thinking it was ours. He was yelling at the top of his lungs (AT MY WIFE!)
She keep saying they are not ours.
But he didn’t listen.
I was mad, Went out the door. Trying to find who was yelling at MY WIFE! Couldn’t see nobody.
Anyway more time went by. I started working at Home Depot for awhile. I started finding out real quick how they don’t have any labor laws out here what so ever.
The Employers can treat their Employees anyway the want to. If you don’t like it. They just fire you and find some other sucker.
Now I know why there is so much work here. Everyone I know has switched jobs at least 3 to 4 times. Within the year I have been here.
Gave my a whole other out look on Home Depot as well. Never seen anyone, anywhere, run a company so poorly, and unorganized in my entire life.
I may make Home Depot shoppers mad here. But I’m only stating the Truth.
What could have been a great job. Turned out be the worst I have ever had. The Employees were terrific. The entire Management and they way it is run? Never seen anything so unstructured in my life.
Now, as some more time went on, I found out while at work at Home Cheapo. My neighbors came again, pounding on the door about the dogs, and some stuff out in front she put out there for free.
Of course it was gone by the time I got home. Somebody got it.
(Note Green Hills is a kinda wealthy area.) Big houses, Some mansions around the corner. Even the schools are nice.
So we let it slide. Though it to be weird and moved on.
Now since I have been out here. I have been getting eaten alive. (literally) by bugs. Not sure why they chose me. But I have welts up and down my legs, arms elbows, knees and a lot on my feet.
It not only itches, but has now become very painful. I have tried everything from bug repelents, Garlic pills. itching cream, stinky stuff. Nothing works.
I come to find out, this area (Green Hills) will not spray for mosquitoes. Everything here is Organic. OK, There is nothing wrong with this. But, when it comes to mosquitoes, and the uprise of the West Nile Virus. Right here in America, and yes even Green Hills, of Nashville TN.
Does this make any sense?
“We don’t believe in killing mosquitoes, we welcome the West Nile Virus.” You have got to be kidding me.
We have also found out that Bed Bugs are very real here. Something I thought was a fairy tale or something to bug kids about. ( BED BUGS are real) and they hurt like crazy. They came in through our window. Got all over all my kids beds, Our beds. Everyone of us had welts from these things.
I found a home remedy. called a steamer. The only thing that kills these on the spot, and the eggs too.
Tried the bug man. It didn’t work.
So I got rid of those . Tossed out the beds a couch that was loaded with them. While going through the house. Making sure it was gone. We put all the stuff in back of a truck way out back until I could get someone to come out and pick it up.
(Note Out of site.)
Now My wife started working, Got better pay than I had. So I left Home Depot. Now she can’t stand her job either. Found out they don’t any overtime laws here either. And she is always have to go over on a daily basis.
I started making sure the entire house was rid of these bugs. Got it all. No more but for some reason I still keep getting bit.
Found out that there are yet more bugs called chiggers. These things are everywhere Grass is or anything green, bushes trees. Well that is All of Nashville. lol
Green Hills? Alot of it. Why They don’t spray for bugs here.
Still trying to figure out how to get rid of these. They are not going away. So Now its chiggers and mosquitoes biting my like crazy. Enough to have welts all over me. Like I have some kind of disease or something. Open cut like scars. Very painful.
Now our neighbors came over one day will I was outside asking what we were doing with the stuff. I told her were getting someone to haul it off.
She in turn says to me. “Well we own our house” and walked off.
(Well I’m sooo happy for her.) That was totally uncalled for.
OK now I love my church family. I love how our country. Still has God posted and many churches to choose from.
I love Jesus Christ. I even use my own ministry with my band to reach out to people who do not know him.
These people call themselves Christians. Have the drives and the so called community. Respecting them as Christians.
Note I’m supposed to be in the Bible Belt. Southern hospitallity.
A couple of days later my landlord gets a phone call. Stating this stuff has to be out of the yard. (No Problem Glad to get rid of it)
So he comes over make a call for the people to come out and pick it up. We put it on the other side of our drive by the street. For an easy pick up.
Later someone comes pounding on my door. This time I’m here. I opened the door. It’s the other neighbor. Mad. But backed off real quick when I answered.
Then said thats in my yard. I explained. Why we put it there. He got mad and said well it needs to go in your driveway.
Ok no problem. I went out, he helped move it to the other side. Note this is the 3rd time I had to move all this. lol
He said thanks as he stormed of to his house.
Now not even 20 minutes later they came and picked it all up.
Ok now my so called Christian neighbors. On the other side. Called codes out cause our duplex neighbor has a truck out back on the grass. It runs its tagged.
All the stuff is gone. But they are now complaining about the sticks in the yard as well.
Hello! There are trees everywhere and it keeps storming here. Stick are in there yard as well.
The next couple of days. They had someone come out trim all there trees and bushes. After they called codes out. Threatening the landlord there calling them back out. (He’s a Lawyer) I come to find out.
Anyway. All the trash that they had cut from the trees and bushes. Are now sitting in our Front Yard.
Then On top of that, I caught this guy (Literally Digging Through my Trash.)
The last time someone did that to me. They were on some major drugs in one of the worst areas of California, Speed freaks do this.
What is this guy on Coke or something?
Now, They are fixing up their house and have junk outside everywhere, where my little 6 years boy can just go out and grab it.
I don’t mind the stuff being in our yard. But after what we just went through 2 days before?
(Note also) These people have no clue, who we are, and what we do.) Not once have they made an attempt to find out either.
This really makes me mad, And The old man wants to rise up sooo Bad. On top of this. They are wanting The entire duplex inspected now.
Our side of this duplex is clean, I have now worries about it.
But what the heck is there problem?
Is this the Southern Hospitality so well spoken of?
What is up with these people trying to break down our door for petty reasons?
Is This the Christianity of the South?
I have been many places and have seen and met some very great and interesting people. I have never In my entire life met anyone like this. Nor have I seen people from anywhere treat so much little petty stuff anywhere in the entire country.
I knew some people with money could be snobs. But this is just spoil little brats.
The more we are here. It seems the worst it gets.
I have met many people, that have lived here. Said some pretty nasty things about it.
I now know. They were not lying.
I have met some good people here. But Not here in Green Hills.
I pray and I hope someone may prove me wrong before we leave.
We will be moving very soon. Yet again.
We don’t have the money to. But really have no choice.
I had to write this. As a fair warning. In hopes that someone, somewhere who reads it. Takes this, and understands it, and starts looking for more options.
I lived in many states, many cities throughout the United States of American, This is by far the absolute worst.
If you come to Nashville. Please Just visit. Then go back home lol.
I will come back to visit again. But will never ever live around such people. We came as a Ministry. Found there is no reaching people who think they know it all.
It’s time to dust our feet off, and move on.
Some still knowing that God has had us come here. Got to meet some great people as well. Mainly the musicians. For the music it is great to come and see.
Learned a lot about the Industry. Got to even see a few visions come to pass. God is still on the throne. We are obviously still in a major, major trial.
Of course God is the Judge. Let it be his will and not mine. He knows, I would love to go off on some people right now.
But, I am saved. I know there is something still waiting for us, and our Ministry.
Please pray for my family and I. We really need it.
If anyone has any suggestions as a good place to live to raise my family. Please let me know.
May God bless you and,
Thank you.