Do Something Good for the Holiday Season: Donate and Volunteer for Charity

The holiday season is a time for celebrating, but for others they are in need of help. So this holiday season you can help others by donating or volunteering for different Charities. There are many charities that people can go to volunteer and donate items to. Here is a list of some places where you can go to volunteer and donate items.

Food Banks

Most every major city or town has a food bank where people can donate canned goods. This is a great way to donate because most people have canned goods in there houses that they don’t use. These canned goods help people have a Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, or any other dinner. Food banks give thousands and thousands of canned foods to people throughout the year. A donation of 20-30 canned goods can help a family in need. If you don’t want to donate canned foods but still want to help you can volunteer at your local food bank. Every food bank needs people to organize the canned foods and distribute them out. To find the nearest food bank near you, look on the internet and you can search for it.

Toy Drives

During the Holiday season there are many places that hold toy drives for charities. Some grocery or department stores have bins where people can donate and drop a new toy. These toys usually go to children in need or sometimes children that are in the hospital. To find out if there are any toy drives near by your area you can look on the internet.

Homeless Shelter

Have some extra time during the holidays? Why not take a few hours out of your holiday and Volunteer at a homeless shelter? There are many homeless shelters around where people can go and help serve dinners to the homeless. Shelters need people to help facilitate, and clean up. You will not only help people without homes but can also touch there heart by caring.

Donate Money

If you are a person who doesn’t have time to volunteer but want to help others you can also donate money to charity. There are thousands of charities that are in need of cash donations. Some organizations that you can donate cash to include the American Red Cross, UNICEF, St. Jude Children’s Hospital Research, homeless shelters, goodwill, salvation army, and many other groups. Usually a good donation of cash to give is between $5-100.

Donate Blood

Another thing a person can donate during the holidays is blood. Blood banks around the country are in need of blood donations for people who need it. Donating blood takes about 1-2 hours and can save a life. All you have to do is contact your local blood bank and ask them when you can come in to donate. Usually before donating blood you should eat a good meal and drink a lot of fluids so the blood will flow well.

These are just a few ways how a person can donate and volunteer for the holidays. Doing something for others is not only fulfilling but can show the true meaning giving and receiving.

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