Do Women Really Enjoy the Shoes They Wear?

Fashion today seems to be dictated by a perfect pair of shoes…or so it appears on television or in the magazines. The question is, Do women really like wearing the shoe styles of today or do they wear them because of the so called fashion appeal alone? I ask this because I have tried to wear many of the fashionable trends out there and two bunions later, I’m fed up and so are my feet.
Who on earth started the trend of these uncomfortable shoes with thin foot beds and even thinner heels? My guess is he was a man )who didn’t care about the troubles a woman had to go through to learn to, a. walk in them and to b. tolerate the pain they cause at the end of the day (and don’t forget the damage over a long period of time to your knees and legs). I guess I need to do some research on the inventor of the high heeled shoe and if he’s not dead, send him my doctor’s bill for my double bunion removal.
Really, though, it’s not like we are forced to wear these uncomfortable shoes of today…or are we? Does the mere expectations of the corporate and fashion world drive women to try and look like the models plastered on bulletin boards and magazine covers? The answer is obvious.
Shoe stores are overstocked with the highly uncomfortable but sought after fashions of today. Women pay big bucks for names that offer 100% style but zero percent comfort. I guess that’s the sacrifice you make for vericose veins. Remember, shoe designers only want your money so they can pay for their personal jets and yachts…they don’t actually care about the damage to your body.
Until the day women demand more comfortable shoes, maybe the companies should at least post a warning (similar to the messages on cigarettes by the Surgeon general) on the boxes of narrow, thinly padded, overly priced, high heeled shoes: “Although this product may look great with the new pin striped suit you bought, they may cause calluses, bunions, and in the long run irreversible skeletal and joint damage…but at least you’ll look good in this materialistic society we live in.”