Do it Yourself Bedroom Organization

Amidst a spring cleaning frenzy, organizing your bedroom may seem like a daunting task. It doesn’t have to be – do a little each day, and in a week or so you’ll be done. It doesn’t have to be expensive either. There are some things you can do to get organized that don’t cost a lot of money.

Start with your dresser, for example. If you have a drawer overflowing with socks or underwear, consider getting a drawer organizer. They are inexpensive and keep small items separate in your drawer. This way you can see what socks you’ve got instead of digging. Another thing you can do is keep similar items in the same drawer. When you go looking for that type of item (like flannel pajama bottoms) you won’t have to go through several drawers. You can make your own sachets to keep your drawers smelling fresh, too. Use leftover material from other sewing projects, and sew the sachets as you would a pillow. Fill with potpourri, then stitch up the remaining hole.

Another day you can spend organizing and utilizing the space under your bed. This isn’t like when you were eight and shoved all your toys under there every time your mom asked you to clean your room. You can store out-of-season clothes or extra blankets, sheets and towels under your bed. At any store that sells storage containers, you should be able to find a container made specifically to fit under beds. They are long and shallow, making it easy to slide them under the bed. Plus most are clear, so you can see what is in them without having to open them. And the lids keep dust out.

Another great way to store out-of-season clothes or extra linens is to use space bags. They look like giant zip lock bags, and can be vacuum sealed through a plug. Big, bulky items like comforters will take up a lot less space. Your items will stay dust and germ free, especially if they are freshly washed before being stored.

Shoe racks are another great way to get your bedroom organized. Some hang on a door and some go in closets. Some have prongs you set your shoes on. The other variety, which looks like a series of cubby holes, can pull double duty. You could put t-shirts, tank tops, socks, or other small items in there. It could end up being cheaper than a closet organizer, as some are a bit costly.

A closet organizer can be great too, if you find one inexpensive enough. If you don’t want to spend the money on one, storage crates can provide good storage and give you easy access to your belongings. Storage crates or cubes can be relatively inexpensive. Try separating things in your closet by season so that you can find things faster. If you want to get super organized, also organize by color. This way, if you’re looking for that one blue top you love wearing in summer, you’ll know right where to look.

If you break this stuff down, doing a paragraph a day, it will be a much easier process. You probably won’t spend too much time organizing in one day. Once your organization is complete, maintaining it will be much easier than it was to create it.

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