Do it Yourself Storm Door Install

If you don’t have storm doors on your front and back entrances, think about installing them. A storm door can be an attractive addition to your home while saving energy and protecting your front entrance door. For the average homeowner, a storm door is an easy install that can be completed in a single afternoon.

When choosing a storm door, consider your options carefully. If you have a particularly nice front entrance, you may want to choose to install a storm entrance door that has a full height insulated glass panel. This will allow you to simultaneously highlight and protect the entrance door.

No matter what style storm door you choose, it is important to get a quality unit that won’t latter twist or easily dent. Most are made of aluminum with a baked on finish to prevent chipping. They should have a particleboard core, unless you wish to have one for more security. In that case, choose one with a metal frame and a solid core.

You must also buy the correct size for your opening. Measure the space between the doorjambs for the correct measurement. Standard sizes are 30, 32, 34, and 36 inches. If it is an irregular size, you can build up the jamb or have a custom made unit. You can hinge it on either side, depending on your preference.

To install the unit, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Installations will vary depending on the type and brand. However, there are a few universal mistakes you should work to avoid.

When installing the vertical mounting frames, be certain that you are cutting them to the correct height. A too short mounting frame will be difficult to fix, so follow the old carpenter’s adage and measure twice and cut once. A snug fit can be lightly tapped in with a mallet.

The other common problem is pre-drilling holes to mount it in an incorrect location. Measure and mark carefully, it is important that all of the holes are correctly placed for it to swing properly. Many manufacturers include a template you can tape to the frame so you are assured of the proper locations.

Before attempting to install anything, read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Call with any questions, most manufacturers should have an information line. This line should also be helpful if you make a mistake or get stuck during the installation.

The install of a storm door should take no longer than an afternoon. Of course, if you are not confident working on your home, call a professional. Many home improvement stores will also offer an install for a reasonable fee.

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