Dog Vs Security Alarm Which Provides Better Protection

With crime on the rise in many areas, there are plenty of families who are looking for a variety of ways to protect themselves. Some have chosen to put technology to good use, and others have chosen to do things the old fashioned way. So which is the better option? How would a combination of both options work to keep a home safe? Well to help answer this question, perhaps looking at the pros and cons of both options will help.

Dog security system benefits

Let’s first start by looking at the benefits of having a dog as your security system. Of course the first thing that will make the most difference when it comes to a dog is what type of dog do you have? A small lap dog, who does not have all of it’s teeth is really not going to scare off an intruder. A good watchdog, is known as a dog that will bark and make a lot of noise. This will usually help with grabbing the attention of your neighbors if someone is trying to get into your house. A dog with a really annoying bark, will definitely get your neighbors attention, so that is definitely a plus. Typically when someone is trying to break into your home if they hear a dog barking, and drawing attention to the house, they move on to the next.

The down side to dog security systems

Of course there are some additional factors that you will want to take into consideration when it comes to getting a dog for security reasons. For example you will need to consider the monthly cost of food, and vet bills. If you do your research properly you should be able to get a dog that is a reasonable size that can still deter a burglar without eating you out of house and home. Also dog’s need care, this means daily walks for exercise, grooming, and bathing. You really need to consider how much time do you have in your daily schedule.

The benefits of a security alarm

Well after doing some research online, and speaking with those who have security alarms, I can say that many people love having them. It offers many a sense of security at just the push of a few buttons. According to this fox news article, some feel that an alarm system can save you money, and be cheaper overall when compared with purchasing a dog. Most security alarms that are sold today will alert the police for you rather quickly at the first sign of an intruder.

The downside of a security alarm

When it comes to the negatives of the security alarm I have to admit that I did not find many. The biggest complaint that some had was trying to remember their security codes when they entered the house. If you don’t enter it in enough time, the alarm will go off and alert police, and then you have to prove you are the owner of the house. Of course there is also the monthly cost, you pay for the service, but some feel this is a needed investment to ensure your families safety. Many security alarms also now have multiple features, that can help monitor what is going on in your home when you are not there. That’s definitely a plus in my book.

So what’s the better option? Do they work best as a combination? Well that’s a question for you to answer after you have consider all of the pros and cons of both.

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