Dogs, Security Systems and Doors: Burglar Proofing a Home

The Family Dog
It’s wonderful to have a family dog that barks as guests approach, but of course not everyone has a dog. Even those who have a family pet guarding their home and possessions aren’t completely safe. When the family is away, a dog is only a temporary inconvenience to a burglar. Burglars and home invaders have methods of subduing dogs, and some of these methods are unthinkable. Homeowners who think their dogs are safeguarding their homes are sometimes in for a rude awakening. Dogs alone cannot protect a home. Other important steps must be taken to prevent burglaries and home invasions.
Home Security Systems
Home security systems are wonderful for those who can afford them, but not everyone is financially able to afford expensive home security systems and monitoring. Yes, there are companies that offer lower rates for monitoring a home against burglaries and home invasions, but you truly get what you pay for. Are home security systems really all that wonderful?
I know an individual who had a home security system in place and was failed by that system. Burglars know the weak points of home security systems. The worst thing you can do is advertise on your lawn that your home is protected by a specific security system. A burglar may be the most unintelligent person on the face of the earth, but chances are that burglar knows the ins and outs of home invasions and security systems. Not all burglars are amateurs. Many have spent their lives devising ways to scam people and take what isn’t theirs. If they know anything at all they’ll know how to get into your home – even if it is equipped with a security system.
Think about this. A home security system is connected to a home phone line. If the phone line becomes disconnected or damaged, the home security system becomes disabled and virtually useless. The burglary victim I am aware of had a very well known security system. A burglar cut the phone line and therefore disabled the security system. The police were not made aware of a problem with the line, and the burglar got away with robbing the home. Security systems alone cannot protect a home.
Becoming the Burglar
People often think their homes are sufficiently protected against a home invasion, but most homes have weaknesses that could make them easy targets for burglars. The best way to check a home for weak points is to look around the home and focus on things a burglar would look for. Look around the home for ways to get in, and think as a burglar would think.
Entry Prevention
Check locks on all windows and entryways. People with upper stories think because a window is way up high it is inaccessible to burglars. All it takes is a way up to the roof and the burglar is in. Even if ladders and other items to gain upper floor access aren’t readily available on the site that doesn’t mean a neighbor’s ladder isn’t available. Homeowners can’t control what items are accessible in neighbors’ yards. A burglar could easily retrieve a ladder stored outdoors at a neighbor’s home and use it to gain entry into your home. That’s just one example of why it’s of the utmost importance to keep all windows locked, not just windows on the ground floor.
Check entryways for weakened or flimsy door frames. If necessary, replace door frames and cheap doors with solid wooden door frames and solid wood or metal doors with peepholes. Doors and doorframes leading to attached garages should also be solid and strong. A burglar could hide in a garage and gain easy entry into a home not properly protected.
Install deadbolts on all exterior doors, and mount floodlights and/or motion detector lights near all entryways. Remove bushes and tall foliage around all entryways, including windows. If the view of an entryway is obstructed, that entryway is an easy target for a burglar.
Most mailboxes display homeowners’ names. This is a big mistake. All that is really necessary on a mailbox is the box number. If a name is displayed on a mailbox and the homeowners’ phone number is public, a burglar can call the home and discover no one is there. A knock on the door will confirm the absence of the homeowner, and the burglar will find a way in. Keep your name off yard signs and mailboxes. It’s in your best interest to protect your identity and not put your name on display for all to see.
Interest Prevention
People throw away unwanted items, trash, and empty boxes on a regular basis. Did you ever consider what valuable information a burglar could gain by leaving your name on empty parcel boxes and discarded envelopes? Not only that, if you throw away a box that contained something of value such as a stereo or television, a burglar could choose your house as his next target after spotting those empty on garbage day.
Burn valuable product boxes and mail containing personal information. If you can’t burn empty boxes, break them down and conceal them within trash bags. Setting out boxes that once contained expensive items is in essence advertising the contents of your home.
A Final Word About Burglar Proofing a Home
Making your home less appealing for a burglar by concealing items of interest and making the home more inaccessible helps avoid becoming a crime victim. Even when every precaution is taken it’s important not become too comfortable. You can be ever so vigilant, but those who intend on committing crimes such as home invasions are always on the prowl. Keep your eyes open and never let your guard down. Crime can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime – especially at home.