Donating Used Cars in Augusta

The holiday season is the time of year in which people are more giving. The average person probably gives more throughout the holidays than they do the rest of the year. Not only are people purchasing gifts for friends and family, but it’s also the time of year when people are most inclined to give back to their community. The most common way to do this is by donating to charity, as food, clothing, and toys are distributed in abundance. Even items as valuable as a used car is commonly donated to the underprivileged.

In Augusta, Georgia, there are several organizations in which you can donate a used vehicle. One in particular is Kars4Kids Car Donations. This organization is actually a nationwide program in which all proceeds are used to benefit J.O.Y. For Our Youth. J.O.Y. is a nonprofit association. This group provides food, clothing, shelter, and after school programs for youths. Their goal is to provide developmental programs for risk youth.

Donating a used car is a relatively easy process. You simply check out their website ( where you’ll fill out an online donation form. Once they process your request, the contact you by phone. They will send a tow truck at no expense to the donator. All you will need is the vehicle’s title and keys. According to the website, the normal average pickup time is about 72 hours (three days). Not only are cars accepted as contributions, but kars4kids accepts vans, trucks, SUV’s, boats, RV’s, and trailers as well. When donating to kars4kids, a tax deductible receipt will be issued as well as the possibility of a free vacation. This just goes to show you that charitable contribution is a win-win situation.

The Child Abuse Hotline accepts used car donations as well. You can donate to this cause by filling out an online form from their website ( or you can call toll free at 1-888-531-8610. This charity will organize vehicle pickup as long as you provide the title and keys. Two physical locations for car donations are P.O. Box 211907, Augusta, Georgia 30917, and 1760 Gordon Hwy, Augusta, Georgia 30909. Like kars4kids, the child abuse hotline will send you a tax deductible receipt. They also accept trucks, SUV’s, motorhomes, boats, jet skis, snow mobiles, fork lifts, and even aircraft.

If you have an old car just sitting dormant in your garage or back yard, would you really miss it if you were to donate it to a charity? Unless you are sentimentally attached to the car, most likely you wouldn’t miss it.

Donations can exist in all forms. Not everyone can donate a used car, but just giving a little can mean a lot, whether it’s food, clothing, toys, or even cash contribution. That’s the great thing about charitable organizations, no one is judged by how big or small the donation. What matters most is when it comes straight from the heart. By donating to charity, you get that special feeling inside knowing that someone who is less fortunate will be reaping the benefits of your generosity.

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