Donating Your Car in Cincinnati, Ohio

Donating a car to charity in Cincinnati, Ohio is a great way to give financially to your favorite charity. Donating your car in Cincinnati, thanks to the Internet, has become a quick and satisfying method of giving to the charity of your choice. Kars 4 Kids receives car donations in Cincinnati, Ohio and nationwide. For those of you who are Internet savvy a quick trip online to can relieve you of your car donation in less than 10 minutes. Once you are on’s home page click on “Donate Now” and start filling out the necessary information. Specific details about your car donation will be necessary, so it is important to be prepared. Mileage, VIN number, make, and model are only a few of the details you will need to know. If you prefer to talk to a real person while you are donating your car in Cincinnati you can call toll free 877-Kars4Kids (877-527-7454) and provide the same detailed information over the phone. Kars 4 Kids will accept cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, RV’s, trailers, and boats. Donating your car in Cincinnati has been made extra easy thanks to Kars 4 Kids free pick up. Most donated vehicles can be picked up within 72 hours. Free pick up is great for cars that may not be in perfect running order. If you cannot be present at the scheduled pick up time you can leave the keys of the car under the dash and leave the doors unlocked. Make sure you have the car title, the keys, and the registration available upon pick up and your car donation will be a success. Car donations to Kars 4 Kids provide developmental programs for youths at risks. Donating a car to this charity provides food, clothing, shelter, tutoring, summer programs, and mentoring to children who might otherwise be overlooked by society.

The Child Abuse Hotline also provides opportunities for car donations in Cincinnati, Ohio. Their website makes donating a car in Cincinnati a breeze. Car donations can also be made over the phone at 1-888-531-8610. Cars can be picked up free of charge or conveniently dropped off at one of over twenty The Child Abuse Hotline’s Cincinnati locations. The twenty locations offer a quick way to remove the car immediately without waiting for pick up. Whether your car is being picked up or dropped off it is important to provide the necessary paperwork to properly donate your car. Be sure to provide the car title, registration, and keys to your charity. Make sure you sign away the title of the car to the charity to relieve yourself of any connection to the car. The car donation procedure is similar to other charities and asks for important information about the vehicle such as VIN number, make, and model. Donators receives a tax receipt for the full value of their car and proceeds from the sale of the vehicle provide social education on what child abuse is, who child abusers are, and where child abusers are. It is important to know that when you are donating your car that you are donating it to a legitimate charity. Legitimate charities will be registered with the IRS as a charity and can readily provide their charity number assigned to them by the IRS. The Child Abuse Hotline is a 501(c)(3) charity number 20-355-34-74. For specific information on the percentage of money that actually goes towards your charity from the donation of your car it is important to contact the charity directly.

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