Don’t Be a Bridezilla on Your Wedding Day

One thing to remember is that you need to stay calm. Remember it is just one day. Of course you want it to be special, but there really is no such thing as a perfect day. While something big may not go wrong, there is always some minor problem that will pop up. Another way of how you can avoid being a bridezilla is to designate someone else to do all of the yelling. If you do this you will avoid getting all stressed out.
In addition if you make sure that you start planning for your special day at least a year in advance than it will not matter if things are a little disorganized or get a little confusing. Usually people get really upset and downright angry when it is a few weeks prior to the wedding day and they are still trying to get the finishing touches put on their dress.
In addition if you just try and keep it simple, than you will have less things to worry about. I have seen so many people who want such a large and extravagant wedding, and they get more stressed out over everything. Usually the more extravagant the wedding the less likely you are to enjoy your day. This is supposed to be the one day that everyone caters to you, so just sit back and enjoy it. If you can afford it try hiring someone to do all of the minor work for you. Let them be the ones who get all worked up and stressed out about everything.
Your only concern should be your dress, and your hair. For once you need to be as self centered as you can. If others cant seem to get their act together, like those in your bridal party, then just tell them they can not be in the wedding. They may assume that this makes you a bridezilla, but it really does not. They are the ones not holding up their end of the bargain.