Don’t Feel Guilty when Buying McDonald’s

McDonald’s seems to get a lot of publicity these days. Mostly bad publicity it would seem. No one ever seems to mention some of the very positives associated with McDonald’s. No, I’m not referring to the Man who found the three young ladies in Cleveland Ohio. Nor is it the toys or anything to do with their meals, or their play-yards. Instead the positives I would like to mention are their “Houses“.

You may or may not have heard of the Ronald McDonald’s Charities, if you have heard of them it may be because you or someone you know have stayed there. It is also possible you’ve heard about the Ronald McDonald’s Houses in some other way. If you’ve heard of the Ronald McDonald Houses, you’re aware of the blessing they can be when your child must stay long term in a hospital.

I’ve known about the Ronald McDonald’s houses for a number of years, I’d thought they were just for families who had children diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was not aware that they were also for families of severely injured children.

Unfortunately, the way I learned these houses are also for the families of children who have been severely injured was when my youngest son was paralyzed earlier this year. We were able to stay two months in the Ronald McDonald’s House, near Levine’s Children’s Hospital.

During our stay there we met several families who were there because their children were recovering from open heart surgery, or were premature babies, only one family we met were there due to a diagnoses of cancer.

There is no charge to stay, donations are accepted. You are required to keep your room clean, and only eat in the dining area. You may make your own meals, or you may eat a meal that is prepared by a volunteer group.

One of the main ways these “homes” are funded are by sales made from the McDonald’s franchise’s.

The next time someone wants to make you feel guilty for eating at your local McDonald’s remember that fast food is a luxury, not meant for daily consumption. Also remember that a part of every sale is going to help families who are facing very real crisis’s in their lives.

If you would like to learn more about the Ronald McDonald’s Houses, or would like to volunteer or donate to their play room or library you can contact the one nearest you or go to their website. Here

You never know when you or someone you love may need extra help because of a major trauma or illness.

McDonald’s is the only fast-food place I personally know of that helps families in this way. Whether you agree with their food selections or not, they do put their resources to good use, and they are a blessing to many families.

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