Don’t Let Love Leave a Bad Stain on You

Who doesn’t love a little Romance? It makes us feel good and enriches our life. But what about the aftermath?

After a night of bliss, there can be nasty stains from the food we ate and the alcohol we drank. So how do you get rid of them? Here’s a few tips…

Chocolate Stains…

* On your clothes. Scrape off any chocolate on your clothes with a dull straight edge making sure not to force it back into the fabric. Gently apply a stain remover and allow it to sit on the fabric for five minutes. Do not allow it to dry. Then, flush the affected area with a stream of warm water. If a grease mark is visible, sponge it with a dry-cleaning solution.

* On your carpet. Try to attack any chocolate stain on your carpet immediately. Start with a carpet stain remover. If this doesn’t get it up, saturate the area with half a cup of hydrogen peroxide to which you’ve added one teaspoon of ammonia. Allow it to sit for twenty minutes and then blot it with a paper towel. Afterwards, flush the area with club soda and blot again with a heavy paper towel. Allow area to dry before walking on it.

Champagne Spills…

* On your clothes. Blot out any Champagne stains on your clothes with club soda. Afterwards, launder as usual or (for tougher stains) treat with a laundry stain remover.

* On your carpet. Sponge up Champagne spills on the carpet immediately with club soda. The salt in the soda will keep the stain from becoming permanent and the carbonation will draw out the stain from the carpet.

Massage Oils…

* On your clothes. Massage oils can damage many fabrics. You can remove them with a good waterless hand cleaner, such as GOJO. Rub it into the affected item fabric well and flush it with warm water. An alternative is to make a paste out of liquid dish shop and 20 Mule Team Borax and to apply it to the fabric and then rinse with water. Afterward applying one of these processes, launder the item as usual.

* On your carpet. You can remove oil stains on your carpet by using baking soda. Sprinkle it on the affected area and let it absorb up the spot. This may take a few hours. Afterwards, vacuum.

Other Tips…

* Avoid perfume stains by applying it prior to putting on your clothing.

* Remove pink champagne stains by using a special product called Wine Away Red Wine Stain Remover.

* If you iron and area that was sprayed by perfume, you might just set a stain and alter the color of your fabric.

* Tackle alcohol stains immediately because they will turn brown as they age.

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