Dorm Room Decorating for the Holidays

Your dorm room is supposed to be your home away from home. Sometimes, making it feel like home can be challenging. Not being at home can be hard for some people, especially around the holidays, so it’s important you claim your space and make it yours.

Decorating your dorm room isn’t a hard task, but on a tight budget it may very well be. To solve this problem, if it is possible, bring some decorative items from home. Not only will this help make it feel more like home since the items are from home, it will help you get into the holiday spirit.

To obtain other items for your room, shop at dollar stores. They have plenty of neat items for cheap prices. For fall and Halloween, you could buy a cheap garland of leaves and hang them around your bulletin board. You can also find window clings for Halloween or fall, that won’t obstruct your view, but will definitely add to what your room feels like. You can even make ghosts using tissue and suckers. Place the tissue over the sucker and secure it, drawing a face as the finishing touch. Hang these up around the room in whatever way you wish. You can even give these out as treats. Think of all the friends you’ll make!

Don’t just decorate your room however. You have a door so use it! Cheap types of garland for any holiday can be strung around your door to give it a welcoming touch. Signs announcing what holiday you are celebrating can also be used. Get creative and get your roommate involved. Use your computer to make name tags for your door in a fashion that shows what holiday is coming up. Use fonts and pictures to add to the feel.

To make it more fun, talk with your RA to see if it would be possible to hold a door decorating contest. Having more people working together will help get your entire floor into the holiday spirit and help you as well. Use pictures, garland, name tags, and other items that can be hanged and easily removed from your door. However, make sure they cannot be easily ripped from the door. Some people may disrespect your space and try to remove the items.

Use stands of lights around your windows, over your bed or around your bulletin board for an extra homey touch. When Christmas rolls around, use a small artificial decorated tree to liven up your space. Use small boxes; add wrapping paper and bows to give the tree the perfect touch. If your roommate is up for it, do a gift exchange before holiday break. These too can be placed underneath the tree.

Christmas is an especially wonderful time to bring together your entire dorm. Talk to your RA’s to see if a day can be placed aside to decorate a big tree and the lounge of your dorm. Have milk and cookies near by or hot chocolate and Christmas music playing to help the mood. Use lights, garland, wreaths and other items to decorate. Plain stockings can be decorated by each resident. Use fabric paint to write your name on the stocking and then use whatever else you’d like to make it yours. Hang these around the lounge so everyone can see who resides there.

When it’s time for Easter, use bright colors and rabbit themed decorations around your room. Plastic eggs can be purchased from just about every location and for cheap prices, so these are a wonderful thing to decorate with. Use a basket and place some of the eggs inside with a rabbit figure near by. Since Easter is the time of spring, using pictures of baby animals is a good idea, as baby animals will be born very soon. Real or fake flowers are also a nice addition and will help with chasing away all the winter blues.

There are certainly more ideas for dorm room decorating. Don’t stop with the ideas I have given you. Use what you want, how you want. Transform your dorm room into your room, because it is your space. However, an important rule to remember with decorating is to make sure you do not break any safety rules that may be set in place. Always check with your RA if anything you are doing may be questionable. This ensures a safe, happy experience for all involved.

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